Kurz, Isolde

BORN 21 Dec 1853, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg - DIED 5 Apr 1944, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg
BIRTH NAME Kurz, Isolde Maria Klara
GRAVE LOCATION Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg: Stadtfriedhof, Gmelinstrasse 20 (N XII 01/02)

Isolde Kurz was the daughter of the author Hermann Kurz (1813-1873) and his wife Marie Freiin von Brunnow. She grew up in Stuttgart and Oberesslingen. After the death of her father she joined her brother Erwin in Munich in 1873. She earned her living with translations and teaching and from her first salary she commissioned a marble monument for her father at the Stadtfriedhof in Tübingen. In 1874 she went to Florence with her mother where another brother, Edward, had set up pratice as a doctor.

In Italy she knew Adolf von Hildebrand, Arnold Böcklin, Hans von Marées and Jacob Burckhardt. In 1888 her first poems were published and "Florentiner Novellen" followed in 1890. In Forte dei Marmi she met Eleonora Duse and Gabriele D’Annunzio. In 1895 "Italienische Erzählungen" was published. She lived with her mother from 1905 in Munich and in Forte dei Marmi until her mother died in 1911. In that year a friend from her youth, Ernst von Mohl, returned from Russia as a widower. They lived together until his death in 1928.

In 1933 she became a member of the Preußische Akademie der Künste and she could continue her writing in the nazi era although she had previously declared herself an opponent of Anti-Semitism. In 1943 Goebbels awarded her the Goethe-medallion. She died in 1944 in Tübingen.

Related persons
• knew Böcklin, Arnold
• knew Marées, Hans von


The grave of Isolde Kurz at the Stadtfriedhof, Tübingen.
Picture by Androom (30 Jan 2010)


• Aubert, Joachim, Handbuch der Grabstätten berühmten Deutscher, Österreicher und Schweizer, Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, 1973
Baedeker's Stuttgart, Automobile Association, 1987
Schriftsteller Lexikon, VEB Bibiographisches Institut Leipzig, Leipig, 1990
Isolde Kurz - Wikipedia

Kurz, Selma

Published: 01 Jun 2019
Last update: 24 Feb 2022