Kekulé von Stradonitz, Friedrich August

BORN 7 Sep 1829, Darmstadt, Hessen - DIED 13 Jul 1896, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
BIRTH NAME Kekulé, Friedrich August
GRAVE LOCATION Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen: Poppelsdorfer Friedhof, Poppelsdorf

August Kekulé was the son of a civil servant. He wanted to study architecture in Giessen but after hearing lectures of Justus von Liebig he switched to chemistry. After his military service he worked as an assistant in Paris, Chur and London. In 1856 he became a private teacher at the University of Heidelberg and in 1858 he became a full professor in Ghent.

In 1857-1858 he became the principal formulator of the theory of chemical structure. This provided clarity for many researches and the field of organic chemistry progressed quickly afterwards. In 1865 he published o nthe structure of benzene.

In 1867 he moved to Bonn where he spent the rest of his career. He was knighted by emperor Wilhelm II in 1895. His students Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, Hermann Emil Fischer and Adolf von Baeyer all won Noble prizes.

Related persons
• was teacher of Baeyer, Adolf Ritter von
• was teacher of Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van 't
• has grave monument designed by Küppers, Albert


The grave of Kekulé von Stradonitz at the Poppelsdorfer Friedhof, Bonn.
Picture by Androom (17 Jun 2012)


August Kekulé - Wikipedia

Kéler, Béla

Published: 21 May 2018
Last update: 10 Feb 2024