Kern, Adele

BORN 25 Nov 1901, München, Bayern - DIED 6 May 1980, München, Bayern
BIRTH NAME Kern-Klein, Adele
GRAVE LOCATION München, Bayern: Ostfriedhof, St.-Martins-Platz 1 (088-21-20/21)

Soprano. Adele Kern was educated by Hermine Bosetti (1875-1936). She made an informal stage debut in 1923 in Munich as Olympia. In 1926 she went to Frankfurt am Main, where she worked with Clemens Krauss and Lothar Wallerstein. She played many different parts before she debuted in Vienna as Zerbinetta.

She was a superb technician and a fine operetta singer. From 1927 until 1935 she performed at the Salzburg Festival. She followed Krauss from Vienna to Berlin and then to Munich, where she settled. During the war she continued her singing and she also appeared in several movies. When she was 46 years old she retired from the stage.


The grave of Adele Kern at the Ostfriedhof, Munich.
Picture by androom (24 May 2006)


• Scheibmayr, Erich, Letzte Heimat, Persönlichkeiten in Münchner Friedhöfen 1784-1984, Scheibmayr Verlag, München, 1985

Kern, Hermann von

Published: 02 Jun 2006
Last update: 20 Jan 2022