Kolb, Annette

BORN 3 Feb 1870, München, Bayern - DIED 3 Dec 1967, München, Bayern
BIRTH NAME Kolb, Anna Mathilde
GRAVE LOCATION München, Bayern: Friedhof Bogenhausen (right wall 10)

Daughter of garden architect Max Kolb from Munich and pianist Sophie Kolb-Danvin. Her father was an illegitimate son of the royal Wittelsbach family. She was educated at a convent school near Hall in Austria, took to writing and in 1899 she published her first book. During the First World War she was a convinced pacifist and in 1916 the Bavarian War Ministry she was forbidden to travel or send letters. With the help of Walther Rathenau she went into exile in Switzerland.

In 1923 she settled in Badenweiler and she became a member of the German literay scene. Rilke liked her novels and René Schickele was a close friend. When the nazis came to power in 1933 she left for Paris and in 1941, already 71 years old, she moved to the USA. In "Glückliche Reise" she describes how she was received by President Roosevelt. After the war she returned to Europe. She died in Munich aged 97. Thomass Mann used her as Jeanette Scheurl in his "Doktor Faustus". She won the Fontane Prize for "Das Exemplar".

Related persons
• wrote about Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
• wrote about Schubert, Franz
• wrote about Wagner, Richard


The grave of Annette Kolb at the Bogenhausener Friedhof, München.
Picture by Androom (31 Aug 2005)


Grosse Frauen der Weltgeschichte, Neuer Kaiser Verlag, Klagenfurt, 1987
Annette Kolb - Wikipedia

Kolbe, Georg

Published: 01 Aug 2008
Last update: 16 Jan 2022