Kadelburg, Gustav |
BORN 26 Jul 1851, Pest (now: Budapest) - DIED 11 Sep 1925, Berlin GRAVE LOCATION Stahnsdorf, Brandenburg: Südwestkirchhof, Bahnhofstrasse (Block Erlöser, Gartenblock V, Erbbegräbnis 26) |
Gustav Kadelburg worked at several theatres in Germany. From 1878 to 1880 he performed at the Stadttheater in Vienna and in 1880 he moved to Berlin. From 1894 onwards he only worked as a stage author, often together with Oskar Blumenthal. His greatest success as a writer was "Im Weißen Rößl" (1898, "The White Horse Inn"). He also wrote "Der Weg zur Hölle", which was performed during the First World War. Actor Heinrich Kadelburg (1856-1910) is his brother. Events |
13/1/1900 | Premiere of Gustav Kadelburg's "Das Bärenfell" at the Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin. Ludwig Hertzer, Oskar Kessler, Vilma von Mayburg and Arthur Vollmer were the actors.  |
Images |
Sources Gottschalk, Wolfgang, Südwestfriedhof Stahnsdorf, Verlag Dirk Nishen, Berlin, 1991 Kadelburg, Gustav |