W Index to Biographies |
Waal, Anton de (1837-1917) - theologist, archaeologist, church historian (1) Wächter, Eberhard von (1762-1852) - painter (1) Waddell, John (1714-1762) - merchant shipper, loyalist (1) Wagenbauer, Max Josef (1774-1829) - painter, graphical artist, lithographer (1) Wagener, Hilde (1904-1992) - actor (1) Wagner, Antonie (1799-1879) - companion (1) Wagner, Cosima (1837-1930) - festival manager, secretary (3) Wagner, Elsa (1881-1975) - actor (1) Wagner, Georg Carl Andreas (1794-1854) - actor (1) Wagner, Jakob (1861-1915) - painter (1) Wagner, Johann Martin von (1777-1858) - sculptor, painter, art collector (1) Wagner, Johanna Rosina (1778-1848) - (1) Wagner, Otto (1841-1918) - architect (1) Wagner, Richard (1813-1883) - composer (34) Wagner, Siegfried (1869-1930) - composer (2) Wagner, Wieland (1917-1966) - scenery builder (2) Wagner, Wolfgang (1919-2010) - musical director (1) Wagner-Jauregg, Julius (1857-1940) - psychiatrist (1) Wagner-Planer, Minna (1809-1866) - actor (2) Wagner-Williams, Winnifred (1897-1980) - festival director (3) Wahl, Hans (1885-1949) - museum director, literary historian (1) Waiblinger, Wilhelm (1804-1830) - poet, raconteur, publicist (1) Wain, Louis William (1860-1939) - painter (2) Walbrook, Anton (1896-1967) - actor (1) Waldau, Gustav (1871-1958) - actor (2) Waldberg, Isabelle (1911-1990) - sculptor (2) Waldberg, Michel (1940-2012) - author (2) Waldeck-Rousseau, Pierre Marie (1846-1904) - statesman (1) Waldemar, Richard (1869-1946) - actor, operetta singer (1) Waldmüller, Katharina (1794-1850) - singer (1) Waldmüller, Lizzi (1904-1945) - actor, singer (7) Walewska, Maria (1786-1817) - nobleman, royal mistress (1) Wallace, William Vincent (1812-1865) - composer, violinist, organist (1) Wallem, Helena (1873-1953) - museum director (1) Walschap, Gerard (1898-1989) - writer (1) Walter, Bruno (1876-1962) - composer, conductor (1) Walters, Catherine 'Skittles' (1839-1920) - courtesan (1) Wander, Fred (1917-2006) - author (1) Wander, Maxie (1933-1977) - writer (1) Wandrey, Eduard (1899-1974) - actor (1) Wangenheim, Gustav von (1895-1975) - actor, director, theatre manager, author (1) Wangenheim, Inge von (1912-1993) - novelist, essayist, actor, director (1) Waniek, Herbert (1897-1949) - actor, theatrical producer, opera director (1) Wankel, Felix (1902-1988) - engineer, inventor (1) Wappers, Gustave (1803-1874) - painter (1) Warden, Florence (1857-1929) - novelist, actor (1) Wäscher, Aribert (1895-1961) - actor (2) Wasielewski, Alma von (1827-1871) - pianist (1) Waterhouse, John William (1849-1917) - painter (9) Watkins, Franklin Chenault (1894-1972) - painter (1) Watt, James (1736-1819) - inventor, mechanical engineer, chemist (8) Watts, John (1749-1836) - lawyer, politician (1) Waugh, Andrew Scott (1810-1878) - army officer, surveyor (1) Waugh, Fanny (1833-1866) - (1) Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826) - composer (1) Weber, Constanze (1762-1842) - singer (2) (27 Dec 2024) Weber, Genovefa (1764-1798) - singer, actor (2) (27 Dec 2024) Weber, Max Maria von (1822-1881) - railway director (1) Weber, Wilhelm Eduard (1804-1891) - physicist (4) Webster Wedderburn, Frances (1793-1837) - nobleman Webster Wedderburn, James (1788-1840) - nobleman Webster, Benjamin Nottingham (1797-1882) - actor, dramatist (1) Wedekind, Frank (1864-1918) - playwright, poet, actor (4) Wedekind, Kadidja (1911-1994) - writer, actor, director (1) Wedekind, Pamela (1906-1986) - actor, chansonnier (7) Wedekind, Tilly (1885-1970) - actor (1) Wedgwood, Emma (1808-1896) - (2) Wegener, Paul (1874-1948) - actor, director (1) Weigel-Brecht, Helene (1900-1971) - actor, theatre manager (1) Weingartner-Marcell, Lucille (1877-1921) - opera singer (1) Weininger, Otto (1880-1903) - psychologist (1) Weis, Thea (1924-1999) - actor (1) Weise, Lisa (1880-1951) - actor (1) Weiser, Grete (1903-1970) - actor, singer (2) Weisgerber, Antje (1922-2004) - actor (3) Weiskopf, Franz Carl (1900-1955) - poet (2) Weiskopf, Grete (1905-1966) - writer (2) Weiss, Helmut (1907-1969) - actor, director, screenwriter (1) Weisse, Nina (1856-1913) - actor (2) Weissenbruch, Hendrik Johannes (1824-1903) - painter (1) Weiss-Mann, Edith (1885-1951) - harpsichordist, piano teacher, music critic (1) Weissner, Hilde (1909-1987) - actor (8) Welitsch, Ljuba (1913-1996) - soprano (1) Wellesley, George Greville (1814-1901) - admiral (1) Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of (1769-1852) - general, statesman (6) Welti-Escher, Lydia (1858-1891) - art patron (1) Welz, Friedrich Maximilian (1903-1980) - art dealer (1) Wendl-Kleinschmidt, Annemarie (1914-2006) - actor (1) Wentzinger, Johann Christian (1710-1797) - sculptor, painter, architect (1) Werefkin, Marianne von (1860-1938) - painter (2) Werfel, Franz (1890-1945) - playwright, novelist (3) Werner, Ilse (1921-2005) - actor (3) Werner, Margot (1937-2012) - ballet dancer, chanson singer (1) Werner, Zacharias (1768-1823) - poet, dramatist, preacher (1) Wernicke, Erich Arthur Emanuel (1859-1928) - physician (1) Wertheim, Georg (1857-1939) - industrialist (1) Wery, Carl (1897-1975) - actor (1) Wesendonck, Mathilde (1828-1902) - poet, writer, translator (2) (08 Jan 2025) Wesendonck, Otto (1815-1896) - industrialist, patron of the arts (2) Wessely, Josephine (1860-1887) - actor (2) Wessely, Paula (1907-2000) - actor (13) West, Rebecca (1892-1983) - writer, journalist, critic (2) Westbrook, Harriet (1795-1816) - Westerman, Gerardus Frederik (1807-1890) - zoo director (1) Westphal, George Augustus (1785-1875) - admiral (1) Weyher, Ruth (1901-1983) - actor (2) Weyr, Marie (1864-1903) - author, theatre critic, playwright (1) (31 Dec 2024) Weyr, Rudolf (1847-1914) - sculptor (1) Wharton, Edith (1862-1937) - novelist (1) Wheatley, William (1816-1876) - actor, theatre manager (1) Wheeldon, Alice (1866-1919) - suffragette, anti-war campaigner (1) Whistler, James MacNeill (1834-1903) - painter, etcher, writer (5) (01 Jan 2025) Whitcombe, William (1806-1832) - adventurer White, Pearl (1889-1938) - actor (1) Wichmann, Herman (1823-1905) - composer (1) Wicki, Bernard (1919-2000) - actor, director (1) Widal, Georges-Fernand (1862-1929) - physician, bacteriologist (1) (18 Jan 2025) Wieck, Dorothea (1908-1986) - actor (7) Wieck, Friedrich (1785-1873) - piano teacher, vocal teacher (2) Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813) - poet, novelist, librettist, translator, publisher (5) Wiener, Charles (1851-1913) - explorer, diplomat (2) Wieniawsky, Joseph (1837-1912) - pianist, composer (2) Wiens, Paul (1922-1982) - poet, novelist, translator (1) Wiertz, Antoine (1806-1865) - painter (6) Wiesenthal, Grete (1885-1970) - ballet dancer, choreographer (2) Wilbrandt, Auguste (1843-1937) - actor, author (1) Wildauer, Mathilde (1820-1878) - actor, opera singer (1) Wilde, Dorothy (1895-1941) - socialite (1) (17 Dec 2024) Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) - playwright, novelist, essayist, poet (4) Wilde, William (1815-1876) - surgeon (1) Wildgans, Anton (1881-1932) - writer (1) Wilds, Amon (1762-1833) - architect, builder (1) Wildt, Adolfo (1868-1931) - sculptor, designer, medalist (3) Wilhelm I, emperor of Germany (1797-1888) - monarch (1) Wilhelmj, Adolf (1872-1916) - violinist, music teacher (1) Wilhelmj, August (1845-1908) - violinist, arranger (1) Wilhelmj, Maria (1851-1930) - concert singer (1) Wille, Bruno (1860-1928) - author, preacher, philosopher (1) Willemer, Marianne von (1784-1860) - ballet dancer (2) Willermoz, Jean-Baptiste (1730-1824) - freemason (1) Williams, Barney (1823-1876) - actor (1) Williams, Charles Sneed (1882-1964) - painter (1) Williams, Edward Ellerker (1793-1822) - naval officer (1) Williams, Helen Maria (1761-1827) - poet, writer (1) Williams, Jane (1798-1884) - housewife (1) Willink, Carel (1900-1983) - painter (1) Willner, Alfred Maria (1859-1929) - composer, librettist, journalist (1) Wills, Henry Overton (1800-1871) - tobacco merchant, magistrate (1) Willstätter, Richard (1872-1942) - chemist (1) Wilson, William (1809-1862) - mechanical engineer, train driver (2) Wilt, Marie (1834-1891) - opera singer (2) Wimmer, Maria (1911-1996) - actor (3) Winckelmann, Johann Joachim (1717-1768) - art historian, archaeologist (1) Windeck, Agnes (1888-1975) - actor (1) Windgassen, Wolfgang (1914-1974) - opera singer (1) Winterhalter, Franz Xaver (1805-1873) - painter, lithographer (12) Winterstein, Eduard von (1871-1961) - actor (1) Winthem, Johanna Elisabeth (1747-1821) - singer (1) Wirth, Else 'Pitty' (1907-2007) - secretary, companion (2) Wisinger-Florian, Olga (1844-1926) - painter, pianist (1) Wislicenus, Hans (1864-1939) - painter (2) Wissmann, Lore (1922-2007) - opera singer (1) Witt, Susi (1910-1989) - actor (1) Wittrisch, Marcel (1903-1955) - opera singer (2) Woermann, Carl (1813-1880) - merchant, shipowner (1) Woermann, Karl (1844-1933) - art historian, poet (1) Woestijne, Gustave van de (1881-1947) - painter, illustrator (1) Woestijne, Karel van de (1878-1929) - poet, essayist (1) Woestine, Anatole Charles Alexis de la (1786-1870) - general (2) (26 Jan 2025) Wohlfahrt, Erwin (1932-1968) - singer (1) (19 Jan 2025) Wohlgemuth, Else, Gräfin Thun-Hohenstein (1881-1972) - actor (2) Wolf, Konrad (1925-1982) - director (1) Wolff, Amalie (1780-1851) - actor (1) Wolff, Auguste (1821-1887) - pianist, composer, industrialist (2) Wolff, Elizabeth (1738-1804) - author (1) Wolff, Helen (1906-1994) - publisher, author (1) Wolff, Kurt (1887-1963) - publisher, journalist (1) Wolff, Meta (1902-1941) - actor (1) Wolff, Pius Alexander (1782-1828) - actor, author (1) Wolfskehl, Otto (1841-1907) - banker, politician (2) Wolfskehl-Schulz, Lilli (1841-1920) - pianist (2) Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797) - writer, educationalist (9) Wolter, Charlotte (1834-1897) - actor (4) Wolzogen, Caroline, Baronin von (1763-1847) - novelist (2) Wombwell, George (1788-1850) - animal show keeper (1) Wood, Ellen (1814-1887) - novelist (1) Wood, Fernando (1812-1881) - mayor, merchant (1) Woodiwiss, Abraham (1828-1884) - railway contractor (1) (03 Dec 2024) Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke (1816-1869) - librarian, antiquarian, nonformist minister (1) Woolgar, Sarah (1824-1909) - actor, theatre manager (1) Wotruba, Fritz (1907-1975) - sculptor (2) Wren, Christopher (1632-1723) - architect (1) Wright of Derby, Joseph (1734-1797) - painter (8) Wright, John Skirrow (1822-1880) - social reformer (1) Wulschleger, Henry (1894-1943) - film director, screenwriter (1) (12 Jan 2025) Wunderlich, Fritz (1930-1966) - singer, musician (1) Wurster, Elisabeth (1919-1977) - painter (1) Wyatt, Richard James (1795-1850) - sculptor (1) Wyndham, Fanny (1816-1877) - singer (1) (199 entries) |