Weiss-Mann, Edith

BORN 11 May 1885, Hamburg - DIED 18 May 1951, Westfield, New Jersey
GRAVE LOCATION Hamburg: Friedhof Ohlsdorf, Fühlsbüttler Strasse 756 (Garten der Frauen (gravestone only) (R29, 378-379))

Edith Weiss was the daughter of the merchant Emil Weiss. She studied at the Hochschule für Musik in Berlin from 1900 to 1904. She was also privately educated by James Kwast, José Vianna da Motta, Carl Friedberg and Bruno Eisner. She worked as a piano teacher, privately as well as for the University of Hamburg.

In 1925 she was involved in the foundation of the Vereinigung zur Pflege alter Musik ( Association for the Care of Early Music) that gave concerts at the Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte. On her harpsichord was constructed by Johann George Steingraeber she played both baroque music and contemprary music.

She was Jewish and after the nazis came to power she lost her positions. In 1939 she emigrated to New York, where she became a successful harpsichordist once more. In 1940 she performed with Otto Klemperer. In 1951 she died in the house of her son in New Jersey. Her ashes were buried in Hamburg. Her gravestone was moved to the Garden of Women at the Ohlsdorf Cemetery.


The gravestone of Edith Weiss-Mann can now be found at the Garten of Frauen at the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Hamburg.
Picture by Androom (30 Aug 2012)


Kulturschaffende Frauen - Garten der Frauen
Edith Weiss-Mann - Wikipedia

Weissner, Hilde

Published: 08 Dec 2018
Last update: 12 Mar 2022