Wagner, Elsa

BORN 24 Jan 1881, Reval, Estonia (now: Tallin, Estonia) - DIED 17 Aug 1975, Berlin
BIRTH NAME Wagner, Elisabeth Karoline Auguste
GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Landeseigener Friedhof Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Straße 57 (Feld 10 (6 W - 30a) (ehemaliges Ehrengrab))

Elsa Wagner received private acting lessons at St. Petersburg and debuted at the theatre around 1900 in Berlin After engagements in Heidelberg, Plauen and Hanover she returned to Berlin, where she worked for the Deutschen Theater and the Staatstheater.

She was already a successful theatre actress when she started her career in the silent movies in 1916. She could be seen in "Das wandernde Licht" (1916), "Die Blaue Mauritius" (1918) and "Störtebeker" (1919). She had smaller parts in bigger movies like "Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari" (1920) and "Die Buddenbrooks" (1923). This pattern continued in the sound movies, where she mostly played comic parts. In 1938 she was Pauline Pomponille in "Der Tanz auf dem Vulkan".

From 1940 onwards it became increasingly difficult for her to pursue her career, but she could be seen in smaller parts and in 1964 she was Nana in the new version of "Emil und die Detektives". When she played in "Der Fußgänger" (1973) she was over 90 years old. She died in Berlin in 1975.

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• knew Neumann, Hertha

21/1/1933Premiere of Gustaf Gründgens adaption of Goethe's "Faust II" at the Schauspielhaus am Gendarmemarkt. Werner Krauss was Faust and Gründgens was Mephistopheles. Other actors were Hans Otto, Paul Bildt, Elenonora von Mendelssohn, Veit Harlan, Maria Koppenhöfer, Wolfgang Heinz and Elsa Wagner. [Bildt, Paul][Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von][Gründgens, Gustaf][Harlan, Veit][Koppenhöfer, Maria][Krauss, Werner][Otto, Hans]


The grave of Elsa Wagner at the Landeseigener Friedhof Dahlem, Berlin.
Picture by androom (24 Aug 2006)


• Blubacher, Thomas, Gibt es etwas Schöneres als Sehnsucht?, Die Geschwister Eleonora und Francesco von Mendelssohn, Henschel Verlag, Leipzig, 2008
• Hammer, Klaus, Historische Friedhöfe & Grabmäler in Berlin, Stattbuch Verlag, Berlin, 1994
• Mende, Hans-Jürgen, Lexicon Berliner Grabstätten, Haude & Spener, 2006

Wagner, Georg Carl Andreas

Published: 21 Oct 2006
Last update: 25 Jan 2022