L Index to Biographies |
La Badie, Florence (1888-1917) - actor (2) La Bédoyère, Charles, Comte de (1786-1815) - general (2) La Bourdonnais, Louis-Charles Mahe de (1797-1840) - chess player (2) La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695) - writer (1) La Lyre, Adolphe (1848-1935) - painter (1) La Roche, Karl, Ritter von (1794-1884) - actor, vocalist, director (1) La Ville de Mirmont, Jean de (1886-1914) - poet, man of letters (2) Labiche, Eugène (1815-1888) - playwright (1) Lablache, Francesca (1816-1895) - (2) Lablache, Frederick (1815-1887) - singer (1) Laborde, Rosine (1824-1907) - singer, vocal teacher (1) Lacher, Karl (1850-1908) - sculptor, museum director, art collector (2) Lachner, Franz von (1803-1890) - composer, musical director (1) Lachnit, Wilhelm (1899-1962) - painter (1) Lacour, Pierre (1745-1814) - painter (2) Laffin, Dominique (1952-1985) - actor (1) Laffon, Yolande (1895-1992) - actor (3) Lafont, Charles (1781-1839) - violinist, composer, singer (1) (30 Oct 2024) Lafont, Pierre-Chéri (1797-1873) - actor (2) Lamb, Caroline (1785-1828) - author, nobleman Lamb, Charles (1775-1834) - essayist, poet, antiquarian (2) Lamb, Mary Ann (1764-1847) - writer (2) Lamoureux, Charles (1834-1899) - violinist, conductor (1) Lampo, Hubert (1920-2006) - writer, journalist (1) Landois, Hermann (1835-1905) - zoologist (1) Landor, Arnold Henry Savage (1865-1924) - painter, explorer, anthropologist (1) Lane, Sarah (1822-1899) - actor, playwright, theatre manager (2) Lang, Lotte (1900-1985) - actor (1) Lange, Ludwig (1808-1868) - architect (1) Langer, Gilda (1896-1920) - actor (5) Lange-Weber, Aloisia (1761-1839) - singer (2) (26 Dec 2024) Langhans, Carl Ferdinand (1781-1869) - architect (1) Langheim, Götz von (1928-2013) - actor (1) Langner, Ilse (1899-1987) - author, journalist (1) Lanner, Joseph (1801-1843) - choir conductor, composer, violinist (2) Lanner, Katti (1829-1908) - ballet master, choreographer, dancer (1) (05 Oct 2024) Lannes, Jean, Duc de Montebello (1769-1809) - marshal (1) Lansdown, Joseph Goodale (1804-1871) - surgeon (1) Lantelme, Geneviève (1883-1911) - actor, courtesan, socialite (1) (28 Nov 2024) Lanzlott, Rosa (1831-1923) - actor (2) Laprade, Albert (1883-1978) - architect (1) Larisch, Marie, baronin von Wallersee (1856-1940) - nobleman (2) Larousse, Pierre (1817-1875) - author, lexicographer, teacher (1) Las Cases, Emanuel Augustin Dieudonné, marquis de (1766-1842) - historian (1) Lasaulce, Jean Adolphe (1799-1865) - educationalist (1) Lask, Berta (1878-1967) - dramatist, poet, journalist (1) Latour, Théodore-François Baillet, Graf (1780-1848) - statesman (1) Lattanzi, Tina (1897-1997) - actor (1) Laube, Heinrich (1806-1884) - dramatist, novelist, theatre manager (1) Laubinger, Otto (1892-1935) - actor (1) Lauckner, Rolf (1887-1954) - poet, playwright, librettist, screenwriter (1) Laurencin de Chanzé, Jean Baptiste Espérance Blandine de (1733-1812) - novelist, army officer (1) Laurencin, Marie (1883-1956) - painter, textile designer (2) Laurens, Henri (1885-1954) - sculptor, engraver (2) Laussot, Jessie (1826-1905) - pianist, choir conductor, translator (1) Lauterbach, Frauke (1913-2004) - actor (1) Lauterböck, Helene (1895-1990) - actor (1) Lavalette, Antoine-Marie Chamans, Comte de (1769-1830) - general, politician (1) (27 Nov 2024) Lavalette, Joséphine (1802-1886) - nobleman (2) (27 Nov 2024) Lavanchy-Clarke, François-Henri (1848-1922) - businessman (1) Lavater, Johann Caspar (1741-1801) - philosopher, poet, clergyman, theologian, mystic (2) Lavater-Sloman, Mary (1891-1980) - novelist, biographer (1) Laves, Georg Ludwig Friedrich (1788-1864) - architect (1) Lavirotte, Jules (1864-1928) - architect (1) Lazzarini, Cesare de (1806-1869) - architect (1) Le Bon, Gustave (1841-1931) - anthropologist, psychologist, sociologist (1) (29 Jan 2025) Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan (1814-1873) - writer (3) Le Seur, Rosa (1846-1920) - actor (1) Le Thière, Roma Rosina Guillon (1837-1903) - actor (2) Lear, Edward (1812-1888) - poet, painter, illustrator, musician (1) Leblanc, Maurice (1864-1941) - novelist, short story writer (2) (29 Jan 2025) Lebrun, Charles François, 1st Duc de Piacenza (1739-1824) - statesman (2) Lebrun, Louis Sébastien (1764-1829) - opera singer, composer (1) Lebrun, Louise Marie Caroline (1807-1865) - opera singer (1) Lechner, Ödön (1845-1914) - architect (1) Leckie, Jean (1874-1940) - psychic medium (2) Leclerc des Essarts, Louis Nicolas Marin (1770-1820) - general (1) Leclerc, Ginette (1912-1992) - actor (2) Leclercq, Carlotta (1838-1893) - actor (1) Leclercq, Rose (1845-1899) - actor (1) Lecomte, Claude (1817-1871) - general (1) Leconte, Marie (1869-1947) - actor (1) Lederer, Hugo (1871-1940) - sculptor, medalist (4) Ledger, Edward (-1921) - editor (1) Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre Auguste (1807-1874) - lawyer (1) Ledwinka, Franz (1883-1972) - composer, pianist, cellist (1) Lee, Belinda (1935-1961) - actor (2) Lee, Vernon (1856-1935) - novelist, essayist, critic (3) Leeb, Wilhelm, Ritter von (1876-1956) - field marshal (1) Leech, John (1817-1864) - caricaturist, illustrator (1) (17 Dec 2024) Lee-Hamilton, Eugene (1845-1907) - poet, novelist (1) Leenhoff, Suzanne (1829-1906) - pianist (1) Lefebvre, François Joseph, Duc de Dantzig (1755-1820) - marshal (1) Lefebvre, Jules (1836-1912) - painter (2) Lefel, Edith (1963-2003) - singer (1) Lefèvre, Robert (1755-1830) - painter (2) (03 Nov 2024) Lefroy, Thomas Langlois (1776-1869) - lawyer (1) Lefuel, Hector (1810-1880) - architect (1) Legendre, Adrien Marie (1752-1833) - mathematician (1) (19 Oct 2024) Léger, Fernand (1881-1955) - painter (1) Lehár, Franz (1870-1948) - composer (3) Lehmann, Lilli (1848-1929) - singer, vocal teacher (1) Lehmann, Liza (1862-1918) - opera singer, composer (1) Lehmann, Lotte (1888-1976) - opera singer, director, writer (1) Lehmann, Marie (1851-1931) - singer (1) Lehmbruck, Wilhelm (1881-1919) - sculptor (7) Lehnert, Adolf (1862-1948) - sculptor (1) Leiper, William (1839-1916) - architect, watercolourist (1) Leloir, Louis (1860-1909) - actor (1) Lemarois, Jean Léonor François, Comte (1776-1836) - general (2) Leménil, Louis (1804-1872) - actor (1) Lemmerz, Johann (1878-1952) - manufacturer (1) Lemoine, Gustave (1902-1934) - aviation pioneer (1) Lenbach, Franz von (1836-1904) - painter (9) Lenbach, Lolo von (1861-1941) - painter (1) Lengefeld, Charlotte von (1766-1826) - letter writer, author (1) Lenglen, Suzanne (1899-1938) - tennis player (1) (16 Dec 2024) Lenormand, Marie (1772-1843) - fortune teller (1) (01 Nov 2024) Lenya, Lotte (1898-1981) - actor (1) Léon, Lizzy (1887-1918) - (1) Léon, Victor (1858-1940) - librettist, director (1) Leoncavallo, Ruggero (1857-1919) - composer (2) Leopold Ferdinand of Habsburg-Toscane, Archduke of Austria (1868-1935) - nobleman (1) Leopold II, king of Belgium (1835-1909) - monarch (1) Leopold von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (1824-1884) - nobleman (1) (01 Jan 2025) Lepère, Jean-Baptiste (1761-1844) - architect (1) Leplus, Gabriel (1806-1874) - flutist (1) Leroux, Gaston (1868-1927) - author, journalist (1) Leroux, Pauline (1809-1891) - dancer, ballerina, choreographer (2) Leslie, Charles (1794-1859) - portrait painter, illustrator (1) Lesseps, Ferdinand, vicomte de (1805-1894) - diplomat, business man (1) Lessing, Gotthold Ephraïm (1729-1781) - dramatist (6) (21 Dec 2024) Lessore, Therèse (1884-1945) - painter (1) Lesueur, François-Louis (1819-1876) - actor (1) Leuschner, Wilhelm (1890-1944) - politician (2) Levasseur, Nicolas-Prosper (1791-1871) - opera singer (1) Lever, William Hesketh, 1st Viscount Leverhulme (1851-1925) - industrialist (1) Levetzow, Magnus von (1871-1939) - naval officer, civil servant (1) Levi, Paul (1883-1930) - politician, lawyer (1) Levi, Primo (1919-1987) - author, chemist (1) Lewald, Fanny (1811-1889) - novelist, essayist (2) Lewes, George Henry (1817-1878) - philosopher, playwright, drama critic (2) Leyden, Ernst von (1832-1910) - internist (1) Leyland, Florence (1859-1921) - painter's model (2) Leyland, Frederick (1831-1892) - industrialist (1) Ley-Piscator, Maria (1898-2001) - dancer, choreographer (2) Leys, Hendrik (1815-1896) - painter (1) Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742-1799) - physicist, writer (2) Lichtwark, Alfred (1852-1914) - museum director, art historian (2) Liebermann, Max (1847-1935) - painter (5) Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von (1803-1873) - chemist (1) Liebknecht, Karl (1871-1919) - politician, lawyer (1) Liebknecht, Robert (1903-1994) - painter, socialist (1) Liebknecht-Ryss, Sophia (1884-1964) - art historian, feminist, socialist (1) Lieck, Walther (1906-1944) - actor, lyricist (1) Lies, Joseph (1821-1865) - painter, draughtsman, engraver (1) Lifar, Serge (1904-1986) - ballet dancer, choreographer (1) Lilienthal, Gustav (1849-1933) - engineer, architect (2) Lilljehorn, Carl Pontus Wilhelm von (1758-1820) - officer (1) Lind, Georgia (1905-1984) - actor (1) Lind, James (1736-1812) - physician, natural philosopher, astronomer, geologist Lind, Jenny (1820-1887) - singer (1) Linda, Bertha (1850-1928) - dancer (1) Lindemann, Ferdinand von (1852-1939) - mathematician (1) Lindemann, Gustav (1872-1960) - actor, director, theatre manager (1) Lindemann, Lisbeth von (1861-1936) - actor, novelist (1) Lindwurm, Josef von (1824-1874) - physician (1) Lingen, Theo (1903-1978) - actor (1) Linhard, Thea (1903-1981) - opera singer (2) Link, Antonie (1853-1931) - operetta singer, actor (1) Lipatti, Dinu (1917-1950) - pianist (1) Lippert, Marion (1936-1997) - opera singer (1) Lipschitz, Rudolf (1832-1903) - mathematician (1) Lissa, Eva (1913-1988) - actor, director, playwright (1) Liszt, Daniel (1839-1859) - (2) Liszt, Franz (1811-1886) - composer, pianist, conductor (15) Littmann, Max (1862-1931) - architect (2) Litvinne, Félia (1860-1936) - opera singer (1) Livry, Emma (1842-1863) - dancer (1) Llamas, Armando (1950-2003) - dramatist, journalist, translator (1) (17 Nov 2024) Llewelyn Davies, Arthur (1863-1907) - barrister (2) Llewelyn Davies, Peter (1897-1960) - publisher (2) Llorente, Jerónima (1793-1848) - actor (1) Lloyd, Constance (1859-1898) - author (2) Lloyd, Marie (1870-1922) - actor, singer (2) Lloyd, Marie Jr (1888-1967) - actor, composer (2) Lloyd, Otho Holland (1856-1943) - translator (1) Lock, Michel (1848-1898) - sculptor (1) Lockhart, Adelaide Mary (1872-1935) - painter (1) Lockhart, Sophia Charlotte (1799-1837) - nobleman (2) Loewe, Konrad (1856-1912) - actor, playwright (1) Loewensberg, Verena (1912-1986) - painter, graphic designer (1) Loisinger-Hartenau, Johanna, Gräfin (1865-1951) - opera singer, pianist (2) Lombardi, Francesco (1792-1846) - actor (1) Lombroso, Cesare (1835-1909) - criminologist, psychiatrist (3) Loos, Adolf (1870-1933) - architect, designer (1) Loos, Lina (1882-1950) - actor, writer (2) Loos, Theodor (1883-1954) - actor (1) Loose-Kriso, Emmy (1914-1987) - singer (1) Lopez, Francis (1916-1995) - composer (1) Lorber, Jakob (1800-1864) - mystic, musician (1) Lorenz, Max (1901-1975) - opera singer (1) Lortel, Lucille (1900-1999) - actor, theatre producer (1) Lortzing, Albert (1801-1851) - opera composer, singer, actor, conductor (1) Losch, Liselotte (1917-2011) - opera singer (1) Lothar, Ernst (1890-1974) - director, theatre manager novelist (1) Lotz-Dupont, Ilse (1898-1968) - screenwriter, actor Loubon, Émile (1809-1863) - painter (1) (29 Nov 2024) Loudon, Agnes (1832-1863) - children's writer (1) Loudon, Jane (1807-1858) - author (1) Loudon, John Claudius (1783-1843) - landscape gardener, horticultural author (1) Louis XVI Auguste, King of France (1754-1793) - monarch (2) Louise Henriëtte, Countess of Nassau (1627-1667) - prince (2) Loveling, Virginie (1836-1923) - writer, poet (1) Lover, Samuel (1797-1868) - playwright, novelist, songwriter, miniature painter (1) Low, Archibald (1888-1956) - electrical engineer, inventor, author (1) Löwe, Julie (1786-1852) - actor (1) Löwenstein, Rudolf (1819-1891) - writer, teacher (1) Lowry, Lawrence Stephen (1887-1976) - painter (2) Loy, Nanni (1925-1995) - film director (2) Lübbe, Heinrich (1884-1940) - industrialist, aviator (1) Lucas, John (1807-1874) - portrait painter, engraver (1) Lucca, Pauline (1841-1908) - opera singer (1) Luchet, Auguste (1806-1872) - playwright, journalist, novelist (1) Lucipia, Louis (1843-1904) - journalist, politician (1) Ludendorff, Erich (1865-1937) - soldier (2) Ludwig I, König von Bayern (1786-1868) - monarch (1) Ludwig Viktor, Erzherzog von Österreich (1842-1919) - prince (1) Ludwig Wilhelm, Herzog in Bayern (1831-1920) - nobleman (1) Ludwig, Emil (1881-1948) - writer (2) Ludwig, Otto (1813-1865) - playwright, novelist, critic (1) Lugné-Poe (1869-1940) - actor, producer, theatre manager (2) Luise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, königin von Preussen (1776-1810) - royal consort (5) Luitpold, Prince Regent of Bavaria (1821-1912) - nobleman (4) Lumière, Auguste (1862-1954) - chemist, physiologist (2) Lumière, Louis (1864-1948) - chemist (2) Lunghi, Emilio (1887-1925) - athlete (1) Lusk, Andrew, 1st Baronet (1810-1909) - businessman, politician (1) Lüttichau, Ida von (1798-1856) - philosopher (1) Lutzer, Jenny (1816-1877) - opera singer, soubrette (1) Lützow, Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm, Freiherr von (1782-1834) - soldier (1) Lux, Joseph August (1871-1947) - author, painter, dramatist (1) Luxemburg, Rosa (1870-1919) - activist (1) Lyautey, Louis Hubert Gonzalve (1854-1934) - marshal, colonial administrator (1) Lyle, Abram (1820-1891) - sugar refiner, politician (2) Lynch, Jean-Baptiste (1749-1835) - mayor (1) Lytton, Noel Anthony Scawen, 4th Earl of Lytton (1900-1985) - army officer, horse financier, author (1) (247 entries) |