R Index to Biographies |
Raabe, Hedwig (1844-1905) - actor (1) Rachilde (1860-1953) - novelist, playwright, poet (1) Rachmaninov, Sergei Vassiljevitsj (1873-1943) - composer, pianist, conductor (1) Raddatz, Carl (1912-2004) - actor (3) Radecke, Robert (1830-1911) - composer, conductor, pianist, music teacher (1) Radicati, Felice (1775-1823) - violinist, composer (2) Raff, Joachim (1822-1882) - pianist, composer, pedagogue (1) Rahl, Carl (1812-1865) - painter (1) Rahl, Mady (1915-2009) - actor (3) Raine, Margaret (1831-1912) - novelist, translator (2) Raky, Hortense (1916-2006) - actor (1) (08 Dec 2024) Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833) - politician (2) Ramberg, Johann Heinrich (1763-1840) - painter, illustrator (1) Rambert, Eugčne (1830-1886) - author, poet (1) Ramel, Delphine (1808-1887) - (1) (25 Nov 2024) Ramone, Joey (1951-2001) - singer (1) Ramsay, Allan (1686-1758) - poet, playwright, librarian, publisher (2) Rancy, Jean Baptiste Théodore (1818-1892) - circus owner (1) Rand, Ayn (1905-1982) - philosopher, novelist, playwright, screenwriter (1) Rapin, Simone (1901-1988) - poet (1) Rappoldi-Kahrer, Laura (1853-1925) - pianist, piano teacher (1) Rasp-Nuri, Grace (1899-1978) - author (1) Rastrick, John Urpeth (1780-1865) - railroad pioneer (1) Ráth, György (1828-1905) - museum director, art collector, lawyer, politician (1) Rattenhuber, Johann (1897-1957) - nazi, officer (1) Rattigan, Terence Mervyn (1911-1977) - dramatist (1) Rauch, Christian Daniel (1777-1857) - sculptor (4) Raul, Fred (1910-1985) - actor, director (1) Ravez, Auguste (1770-1849) - lawyer, politician (1) Rawlinson, Robert (1810-1898) - engineer, sanitarian (1) Rayner, Hewitt Henry (1902-1957) - painter, mystic (1) Récamier, Juliette (1777-1849) - society personality (1) Recio, Maria (1814-1862) - opera singer (1) Recke, Elisa von der (1754-1833) - writer (1) Rée, Anita (1885-1933) - painter (2) Reece, Robert (1838-1891) - playwright, librettist (1) Reger, Max (1873-1916) - composer, pianist, conductor, music teacher (1) Regnault, Henri (1843-1871) - painter (1) (25 Nov 2024) Regnault, Jean Baptiste, Baron (1754-1829) - painter (1) Regnault, Sophie (1763-1825) - painter (1) Regnault, Victor (1810-1878) - chemist, physicist, photographer (1) (25 Nov 2024) Regnier, Charles (1914-2001) - actor, theatre director, translator (2) Rehan, Ada (1857-1916) - actor (1) Rehfisch, Hans (1891-1960) - playwright, film script writer, short story writer (1) Reich, Adolf (1887-1963) - painter (1) Reicha, Anton (1770-1836) - composer (2) Reich-Dörich, Fine (1894-1978) - opera singer (1) Reiche, Ludwig (1774-1840) - soldier, inventor, cartographer (1) Reicher, Emanuel (1848-1924) - actor (2) Reicher-Kindermann, Hedwig (1853-1883) - opera singer (2) Reichlin, Fee von (1912-2002) - actor (1) Reid, Samuel Chester (1783-1861) - officer (1) Reid, Thomas Mayne (1818-1883) - novelist, adventurer (1) Reille, André Charles (1815-1887) - general (1) (02 Feb 2025) Reille, Honoré Charles (1775-1860) - marshal (1) Reimann, Kurt (1913-2001) - opera singer, actor (1) Reinecke, Carl (1824-1910) - musical director, pianist, composer (1) Reinecker, Herbert (1914-2007) - writer (1) Reiners, Rita (1911-1988) - poet, novelist (1) Reinhardt, Max (1873-1943) - producer, director (1) Reining, Maria (1903-1991) - singer (1) Reininghaus, Hans von (1867-1959) - inventor (1) Reinwald, Christophine (1757-1847) - painter (1) Reissiger, Carl (1798-1859) - composer, conductor (1) Reissinger, Gertrud (1916-1998) - dancer, choreographer (1) Reitsch, Hanna (1912-1979) - pilot (2) Reitzenstein, Franziska, Freifrau von (1834-1896) - novelist (1) Réjane (1856-1920) - actor (1) (01 Dec 2024) Remarque, Erich Maria (1898-1970) - writer (1) Rémusat, Claire-Élisabeth Gravier de Vergennes, comtesse de (1780-1821) - nobleman, author (1) Renan, Ernest (1823-1892) - philologist, philosopher (2) Rendel, James Meadows (1799-1856) - civil engineer (1) Reni, Guido (1575-1642) - painter (1) Renié, Henriette (1875-1956) - harpist, composer (2) Renn, Ludwig (1889-1979) - author (1) Rennie, John (1794-1874) - civil engineer (1) Renz, Therese (1859-1938) - art rider, tamer, circus director (1) Renzi, Eva (1944-2005) - actor (2) Resatz, Gustav (1903-1962) - sculptor (1) Respighi, Elsa (1894-1996) - singer, composer, pianist, author (1) Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936) - composer, violinist, musicoligist (1) Rethel, Alfred (1816-1859) - painter (1) Réthy, Esther (1912-2004) - opera singer (2) Rettich, Julie (1809-1866) - actor (2) Rettich, Karl (1805-1878) - actor, director (2) Réty, Charles (1824-1895) - theatre manager, music critic (1) Reuchlin, Otto, jonkheer (1842-1924) - industrialist (1) Reuter, Ernst (1889-1953) - mayor (1) Reuter, Paul Julius (1821-1899) - journalist (1) Reveley, Henry Willey (1788-1875) - civil engineer Reventlow, Franziska Gräfin zu (1871-1918) - author, translator, painter (1) Reznicek, Emil Nikolaus Freiherr von (1860-1945) - composer (1) Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel (1839-1901) - composer (1) Ricci, Lella (1850-1871) - opera singer (1) Ricci, Luigi (1805-1859) - composer, conductor (1) Richmond, Thomas (1771-1837) - miniaturist (1) Richter, August Gottlob (1742-1812) - surgeon, author (1) Richter, Franz (1905-1973) - politician, nazi (1) Richter, Gustav (1823-1884) - painter (1) Richter, Hans (1843-1916) - conductor (1) Richter, Hans (1876-1955) - lawyer (1) Richter, Heinrich (1820-1896) - actor, director (1) Richter, Rotraut (1915-1947) - actor (2) Richter-Berlin, Heinrich (1884-1981) - painter (1) Richter-Meyerbeer, Cornelie (1842-1922) - saloničre (1) Richthofen, Ferdinand von (1833-1905) - geographer, explorer (1) Richthofen, Manfred von (1892-1918) - pilot (1) Ridel-Buff, Amalie (1765-1848) - nobleman (1) Riedel, August (1799-1883) - painter (2) Riedel, Eduard von (1813-1885) - architect, builder (1) Riefenstahl, Leni (1902-2003) - director, actor, photographer, dancer (2) Riegner, Gerhart (1911-2001) - lawyer, human rights activist (1) Riemer, Friedrich Wilhelm (1774-1845) - philologist, poet (1) Ries, Franz Anton (1755-1846) - violinist, composer (1) Rietschel, Ernst (1804-1861) - sculptor (3) Rijswijck, Theodoor van (1811-1849) - poet (2) Rindt, Jochen Karl (1942-1970) - race car driver (1) Rintelen, Anton (1876-1946) - statesman, lawyer (1) Ríos y Nostench, Blanca de los (1859-1956) - poet, journalist, critic (1) Rissone, Giuditta (1895-1977) - actor (1) Ristori, Adelaide (1822-1906) - actor (2) Ritchie, Richmond (1854-1912) - civil servant (2) Rivaz, Alice (1908-1998) - novelist, feminist (1) Rivette, Jacques (1928-2016) - director (1) (02 Dec 2024) Robecchi, Giulio (1806-1846) - physician, patriot (2) Robert, Hubert (1733-1808) - painter (2) Roberts, David (1796-1864) - painter (1) Roberts, Ralph Arthur (1884-1940) - actor, director, theatre manager (2) Robertson, Gaspard Étienne (1763-1837) - stage magician, physicist, balloonist (1) Robinson, Henry Crabb (1775-1867) - lawyer, diarist (1) Roch, Georg (1881-1943) - sculptor (1) Röckel, Elisabeth (1793-1883) - opera singer (1) Roda Roda, Alexander (1872-1945) - dramatist, novelist (1) Rode, Bernhard (1725-1797) - painter (1) Rode, Pierre (1774-1830) - violinist (1) Rode, Wilhelm (1887-1959) - opera singer, theatre manager (1) Rodenbach, Georges (1855-1898) - poet (1) (02 Feb 2025) Röder, Ferdinand (1807-1880) - actor, impressario, theatre manager (2) Röder, Mila (1847-1888) - operetta singer (2) Rodet, Alphonse (1890-1975) - painter (1) Rodin, Auguste (1840-1917) - sculptor (5) Roeder, Max (1866-1947) - painter (1) Roelli, Hans (1889-1962) - composer, poet, journalist (1) Roepman, Johanna (1892-1971) - composer (2) Roger-Miles, Léon (1859-1928) - poet, lawyer, historian, editor, art critic, journalist (1) Rogier, Charles (1800-1885) - statesman (2) Rohde, Erwin (1845-1898) - philologist (1) Rohden, Johann Martin von (1778-1868) - painter (1) Rohdich, Friedrich Wilhelm (1719-1796) - general, statesman (1) Röhm, Ernst (1887-1934) - military officer, nazi (2) Rohrbach, Adolf (1889-1939) - engineer, aircraft designer (2) Rohrbach, Charlotte (1902-1981) - photographer (2) Rokitansky, Carl, Freiherr von (1804-1878) - pathologist (1) Rökk, Marika (1913-2004) - actor, dancer, vocalist (3) Rol, Vera (1920-1973) - actor, soubrette (1) Roller, Alfred (1864-1935) - scenographer, costume designer, painter, graphic artist (2) Romains, Jules (1885-1972) - author, poet (1) Romako, Anton (1832-1889) - painter (4) Romani, Felice (1788-1865) - poet, librettist (1) Römer, Anneliese (1922-2003) - actor (1) Römer, Willy (1887-1979) - press photographer (1) Röntgen, Julius Engelbert (1855-1932) - composer, pianist (2) Röntgen-Maier, Amanda (1853-1894) - violinist, composer (1) Roosevelt, Blanche (1853-1898) - singer, writer (2) (30 Jan 2025) Rops, Félicien (1833-1898) - painter, graphical artist (5) Roqueplan, Camille (1803-1855) - painter (1) Roqueplan, Nestor (1805-1870) - journalist, author, theatre manager (1) Rosa, Carl (1842-1889) - impresario, conductor, violinist (1) Rosales, Eduardo (1836-1873) - painter (1) Rosé, Alma (1906-1944) - violinist, conductor (1) (30 Jan 2025) Rosé, Arnold (1863-1946) - violinist (1) Rose, Billy (1899-1966) - impresario, producer, lyricist (1) Rose, Willi (1902-1978) - actor (1) Rosemeyer, Bernd (1909-1938) - race car driver (1) Rosenbaum, Wladimir (1894-1984) - lawyer, art dealer (1) Rosenthal, Abe (1922-2006) - journalist, newspaper editor (1) Roser-Balfe, Lina (1808-1888) - singer (1) Ross, Ronald (1857-1932) - bacteriologist, poet (2) Ross, William Stewart (1844-1906) - journalist, poet, author, publisher (1) Rossellini, Roberto (1906-1977) - director (1) Rossen, Robert (1908-1966) - director, producer, screenwriter (1) Rossetti, Christina (1830-1894) - poet (3) Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882) - painter, poet (16) Rossetti, Gabriele Pasquale Giuseppe (1783-1854) - poet (2) Rossetti, William Michael (1829-1919) - art critic, biographer (2) Rossi, Alice Seelye (1852-1934) - author (1) Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868) - composer (1) Rossum, Johannes van (1809-1873) - coachman, lover (1) Rostosky, Karl Oswald (1839-1868) - painter (1) Roth von Schreckenstein, Ludwig (1789-1858) - general, statesman (1) Rothwell, Richard (1800-1868) - painter (2) Rouart, Ernest (1874-1942) - painter, engraver, art collector (2) Rouché, Jacques (1862-1957) - patron of the arts (1) Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) - writer, philosopher, pedagogue, composer (1) Roussel, Raymond (1877-1933) - writer, poet, musician, chess enthousiast (1) Rouvičre, Philibert (1809-1865) - actor, painter (1) Royer, Marie (1841-1873) - actor (2) Rôze, Marie (1846-1926) - opera singer (1) Rude, François (1784-1855) - sculptor (1) Rudge, Olga (1895-1996) - violinist, musicologist (2) Rudolf von Habsburg, Crown Prince of Austria and Hungary (1858-1889) - prince (3) Rühl, Friedrich Wilhelm (1817-1874) - conductor, composer (1) Rühmann, Heinz (1902-1994) - actor (1) Rumford, Benjamin Thompson, Count (1753-1814) - spy, soldier, physicist (1) (28 Feb 2025) Rumpf, Fritz (1856-1927) - painter, art collector, author (2) Rumpler, Edmund (1872-1940) - engineer, aircraft designer (1) Runge, Philip Otto (1777-1810) - painter, graphical artist, watercolourist, writer (2) Ruskin, John (1819-1900) - writer, art critic, graphical artist Rüther, Leopoldine (1898-1981) - illustrator (1) Ruttkai, Éva (1927-1986) - actor (2) Ruys, Willem (1894-1942) - shipowner (1) Rysanek, Leonie (1926-1998) - singer (1) (212 entries) |