Rohde, Erwin

BORN 9 Oct 1845, Hamburg - DIED 11 Jan 1898, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
GRAVE LOCATION Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg: Bergfriedhof, Rohrbacher Strasse (Abteilung N)

Edwin Rohde was the son of a doctor. In 1865 he went to Bonn for studies, but he moved to Leipzig during the same year. There Friedrich Nietzsche was a fellow student and a friend. Both studied philology under Friedrich Wilhelm Ritsch.

In 1867 he moved to Kiel where he was promoted in 1869 and became a professor in 1872. He was an admirer of the music of Richard Wagner and in 1874 he visited the master for the first time.

In 1876 he became professor in Jena and during that year he published "Der Griechische Roman und seine Vorläufer". In 1877 he married Valentine Framm. In 1878 he accepted an engagement in Tübingen and he finally settled as a professor in Heidelberg.

He was regarded as the highest authority on Greek language and culture although he never visited Greece himself. Nowadays he is mainly remembered for his correspondence with Nietszche.

Related persons
• admired Wagner, Richard


The grave of Erwin Rohde at the Bergfriedhof, Heidelberg.
Picture by Androom (21 Aug 2010)


Erwin Rohde - Wikipedia (EN)

Rohden, Johann Martin von

Published: 05 Jun 2011
Last update: 03 Mar 2022