Rauch, Christian Daniel

BORN 2 Jan 1777, Arolsen, Hessen - DIED 3 Dec 1857, Dresden, Sachsen
GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Dorotheenstädtischen Friedhof, Chausseestrasse (CAL-1L-68 (Ehrengrab, 5. Weg li., li. S.))

Christian Daniel Rauch was a pupil of the sculptors Friedrich Valentin and Johann Christian Ruhl.

After his older brother died in 1797 he succeeded him as chamberlain to the king of Prussia. In 1803 he became assistant to Johann Gottfried Schadow. He had an affair with Wilhelmine Schulze (1783-1855), but he didn't marry her. In 1804 they had a daughter, Agnes.

In 1804 he went to Rome on a six years stipendium from the king. In Rome he met Canova and Thorvaldsen. In 1811 he returned to Berlin. Queen Louise had died and he had received a commission to create a monument for her at a mausoleum that was to be built at Charlottenburg. The life size sculpture of Louise made him famous. In 1812 Wilhelmine bore him another daughter, Doris.

Rauch created many statues of famous people, among them of Blücher at Breslau, of Friedrich II on horseback in Berlin and of king Maximilian of Bavaria in Munich.

In Berlin was a Christian-Daniel-Rauch-Museum, but is was destroyed by bombs during the Second World War. Nowadays the house were he was born in Arolsen is a museum.

Related persons
• employed Bandel, Ernst von
• was teacher of Blaeser, Gustav
• employed Dankberg, Friedrich Wilhelm
• was teacher of Drake, Friedrich
• was teacher of Facius, Angelika Bellonata
• worked for Friedrich Wilhelm III, king of Prussia
• met Grimm, Ludwig Emil
• was teacher of Kiss, August
• made a sculpture of Luise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, königin von Preussen
• was teacher of Rietschel, Ernst
• influenced Schievelbein, Hermann
• was painted by Schmeller, Johann Joseph
• was drawn by Vogel von Vogelstein, Carl Christian


The monument for queen Louise of Prussia in Mausoleum of the Schlosspark at Charlottenburg, Berlin. It was created by C.D. Rauch.
Picture by Androom (18 Aug 1996)


The monument for queen Louise of Prussia in Mausoleum of the Schlosspark at Charlottenburg, Berlin. It was created by C.D. Rauch.
Picture by Androom (18 Aug 1996)


The grave monument of G.J.D. von Scharnhorst at the Invalidenfriedhof in Berlin. It was designed by K.F. Schinkel, C.D. Rauch and F. Tieck.
Picture by Androom (19 Aug 1996)


The grave of C.D. Rauch at the Dorotheenstädtischen Friedhof, Berlin.
Picture by Androom (26 Mar 2007)


Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
Christian Daniel Rauch - Wikipedia

Raul, Fred

Published: 06 May 2007
Last update: 12 Aug 2023