Rumpler, Edmund

BORN 4 Jan 1872, Wien - DIED 7 Sep 1940, Züsow, Mecklenburg: Neu Tollow
GRAVE LOCATION Stahnsdorf, Brandenburg: Südwestkirchhof, Bahnhofstrasse (Block Reformation, Gartenblock III, Erbbegräbnis 28)

Edmund Rumpler studied at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna. From 1897 onwards he worked for German car companies and in 1908 he became involved with building planes. In 1908 he obtained the right to rebuild the "Etrich-Taube" and his better version was called the "Rumpler-Taube".

During the First World War his company Rumpler-Werken AG built military planes. In 1921 he built the first aerodynamical car, the "Rumpler-Tropfenauto". It caused a sensation, but an attempt to commercial exploitation by Benz failed. Rumpler was far ahead of his time, because the aerodynamics of his cars were better than that of most cars built around 1980.

When the nazis came to power he was arrested because he was a Jew. But Göring remembered his planes and protected him.

Related persons
• has a connection with Dominik, Hans
• employed Hirth, Hellmuth
• was a friend of Lübbe, Heinrich


The grave of Edmund Rumpler at the Südwestfriedhof, Stahnsdorf, Berlin.
Picture by Androom (13 Nov 2004)


• Gottschalk, Wolfgang, Südwestfriedhof Stahnsdorf, Verlag Dirk Nishen, Berlin, 1991
Rumpler, Edmund

Runge, Philip Otto

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 03 Jan 2022