Niemann, Albert |
BORN 15 Jan 1831, Erxleben, Sachsen - DIED 13 Jan 1917, Berlin BIRTH NAME Niemann, Wilhelm Carl Albert GRAVE LOCATION Stahnsdorf, Brandenburg: Südwestkirchhof, Bahnhofstrasse (Block Alte Umbettung, Abt. B, Erbbegräbnis 98) |
Albert Niemann was the son of an innkeeper who died when he was young. He ran away from an apprenticeship to an engine-maker to Dresden and in 1849 he debuted as a singer in Dessau. He was taught by Albert Nusch and by Gilbert Duprez in Paris. He held engagements in Stuttgart, Köningsberg, Stettin and from 1854 in Hannover. There he sang in several Wagner operas. In 1859 he married the soprano Marie Seebach. The marriage ended in a divorce in 1869. In the summer of 1858 he visited Richard Wagner in Zürich. In 1860 he went to Paris to rehearse for "Tannhäuser" but the project failed and he returnd to Hannover. In 1864 he sang in "Tannhäuser" in Munich. He left Hannover to join the opera in Berlin in 1866. In 1871 he married the actress Hedwig Raabe. In May 182 he sang during the laying of the foundation-stone for the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth.Wagner planned to give him a part in his Ring but soon after he arrived in 1875 he quarreled and left. But soon afterwards he sang the part of Tristan in Berlin with Wagner's approval. In 1883 he was a pall-bearer during Wagner's funeral. From 1886 to 1888 he performed at the Metropolitan Opera. In 1888 he left the Berlin Opera and he died in Berlin in 1917. Family Wife: Seebach, Marie (1859-1869) Wife: Raabe, Hedwig (1871-1905) Related persons cooperated with Wagner, Richard Events |
13/3/1861 | Premiere of Richard Wagner's revised "Tannhäuser" at the Salle Le Pelletier in Paris. The performance was requested by Emperor Napoleon III after a suggestion by Pauline von Metternich. Urged by the members of the Jockey Club, Wagner had added a ballet to his opera. However, Wagner let the ballet start immediately after the ouverture, while it was known that the gentlemen were only present from the second act because they first finished their diners. The performance was disturbed by booing. Hector Berlioz, Jacques Offenbach and Charles Gounod were in the audience. After three performances "Tannhäuser" was discontinued. The opera was mocked in the press and resulted in a huge financial deficit. [Berlioz, Hector][Gounod, Charles][Napoleon III Bonaparte][Offenbach, Jacques][Wagner, Richard] |
14/8/1876 | Wagner's "Die Walküre" performed in Bayreuth as second part of the full "Ring". Hans Richter was the conductor. Among the singers were Albert Niemann, Josephine Schefsky, Franz Betz, Friederike Grün, Amelie Materna, Marie Haupt, Lilli Lehmann, Marie Lehmann, Luise Kaide, Johanna Jachmann-Wagner, Hedwig Reicher-Kindermann and Minna Lammert. [Friedrich-Materna, Amalie][Lehmann, Lilli][Lehmann, Marie][Reicher-Kindermann, Hedwig][Richter, Hans][Wagner, Richard] |
Images |
Sources Gottschalk, Wolfgang, Südwestfriedhof Stahnsdorf, Verlag Dirk Nishen, Berlin, 1991 Gutman, Robert, Richard Wagner, Der Mensch, sein Werk, seine Zeit, Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München, 1989 Mende, Hans-Jürgen, Lexicon Berliner Grabstätten, Haude & Spener, 2006 Albert Niemann (tenor) - Wikipedia (EN) Die Walküre - Wikipedia (EN) |