Milde, Nathalie von

BORN 31 Mar 1850, München, Bayern - DIED 29 Mar 1906, Weimar, Thüringen
BIRTH NAME Haller, Nathalie
GRAVE LOCATION Weimar, Thüringen: Historischer Friedhof, Poseckscher Garten

Nathalie von Milde was born in Munich as Natalie Haller and she may have been the illegitimate daughter of the wife of a privy councilor named Jakobsohn. From the late 1850s she lived in Weimar with the singers Hans and Rosa von Milde. Rosa gave her music lessons and Carl Müllerhartung taught her music as well. After illness damaged her voice she privately studied philosophy with Karl Volkmar Stoy in Jena in 1879/1880. In 1881 she was formally adopted by the Von Milde family.

In 1880 she started giving lectures on women's issues. In 1888 she joined the Deutschen Frauenverein Reform (German Women's Association Reform) that was founded by Hedwig Kettler in Weimar in that year. In 1902 princess Pauline of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach supported her in founding a reading room for women. Among her friends were Helene Böhlau, Marie von Bülow and Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. In her writings she discusses legal equality between men and women and equal opportunities in education and work. She died in 1906 in Weimar.

Related persons
• was a friend of Bülow, Marie von
• was adopted by Milde, Hans Feodor von
• was adopted by Milde-Agthe, Rosa von
• was pupil of Stoy, Karl Volkmar


The grave of Hans Feodor von Milde and Rosa von Milde-Aghte at the Historischer Friedhof, Weimar.
Picture by Androom (13 Aug 2020)


Natalie von Milde - Wikipedia

Milde, Rudolf von

Published: 23 Jan 2023
Last update: 23 Jan 2023