Schinkel, Karl Friedrich |
BORN 13 Mar 1781, Neu-Ruppin - DIED 9 Oct 1841, Berlin GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Dorotheenstädtischen Friedhof, Chausseestrasse (Allee-L-1-17 (Ehrengrab, 5. Weg li., li. S.)) |
Karl Friedrich Schinkel was educated as an architect by Friedrich Gilly, as one of the first students of the new Berlin Bauakademie. In 1803 he travelled to Italy, visiting Vienna and Prague. After his return he mainly worked as a landscape painter. Among his works were the Neue Wache (Berlin, 1817-1818), the Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt (Berlin, 1818-1824), the Altes Museum (1824-1830), the Friedrich-Werdersche Kirche at the Werderschen Markt (1825-1828), Schloß Babelsberg (Potsdam, 1832-1835) and the Nikolaikorche (Potsdam, 1830-1837). In 1834 he developed plans to build a royal castle on the Acropolis in Athens. He also planned the mausoleum for queen Louise (Charlottenburg, Berlin) and was the creator of the grave monuments for Holtzendorff and Scharnhorst. Among his students were Stüler and Schadow. Related persons designed grave monument of Ancillon, Friedrich was teacher of Arnim, Ferdinand von has a connection with Blechen, Karl was teacher of Hansen, Theofil Eduard, Freiherr von made a sculpture of Luise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, königin von Preussen was teacher of Persius, Ludwig was teacher of Strack, Heinrich was teacher of Stüler, Friedrich August Events |
3/8/1816 | Premiere of ETA Hoffmann's opera "Undine" at the Königlichen Schauspielhaus in Berlin. The libretto was written by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué. The set was designed by Karl Friedrich schinkel. The opera is considered as the first 'romantic' German opera. [Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus][Motte-Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de la ] |
26/5/1821 | Opening of the Königliches Schauspielhaus in Berlin with Goethe's "Iphigenie". The old theatre at the Gendarmentmarkt had burnt down in 1817. Karl Friedrich Schinkel built the new theatre between 1818 and 1821. King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia attended the opening. [Friedrich Wilhelm III, king of Prussia][Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von] |
6/6/1931 | The Glaspalast in Munich burns down. With it 3,000 works of art were burned, among them nine paintings by Caspar David Friedrich, 22 paintings by Paul Peter Müller and "Dom über einen Stadt" by Karl Friedich Schinkel. The second version of this last work was lost in Berlin in 1945. [Friedrich, Caspar David] |
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Sources Baedeker Berlin, Baedeker Verlag, Stuttgart, 1994 Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909 Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Architekt im Berlin Humboldts Undine (Hoffmann) - Wikipedia (DE) |