Preller, Friedrich

BORN 25 Apr 1804, Eisenach, Thüringen - DIED 23 Apr 1878, Weimar, Thüringen
GRAVE LOCATION Weimar, Thüringen: Historischer Friedhof, Poseckscher Garten

Friedrich Preller studied drawing in Weimar. In 1821 he followed Goethe's advice to go to Dresden. There he was invited to travel with the Grand Duke of Weimar to Belgium in 1824. He studied at the academy in Antwerp and from 1827 to 1831 in Italy. In 22 March 1832 he drew Goethe the day after his death. In 1834 he married Marie Erichsen (1811/1862', the daughter of a captain from Flensburg. They had three sons, including Friedrich Preller the Younger.

From 1834 to 1836 he created scenes from the Odyssey in the Roman House at Leipzig. From 1836 to 1837 he worked on landscape scenes from "Oberon" in the Wieland Room of the Schloss at Weimar. In 1840 he visited Norway in the company of Ferdinand Conrad Kellermann, Carl Hummel and Sixtus Armin Thon. In 1844 he became a professor at the Fürstlichen freien Zeichenschule in Weimar. He was also appointed Court Painter in that year. In 1859 he went to Italy again.
He returned to Weimar in 1861 where he married Jenny Ventzky (1834-1906) in 1864. From 1868 they lived at the Belvederer Allee 8 in Weimar. He died in Weimar in 1878.

• Son: Preller, Friedrich

Related persons
• was a friend of Genelli, Bonaventura
• was helped by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
• was teacher of Hummel, Carl
• was teacher of Schwerdgeburth, Otto
• was teacher of Thon, Sixtus Armin


The grave of Friedrich Preller at the Historischer Friedhof, Weimar.
Picture by Androom (13 Aug 2020)


The location where Friedrich Preller was born in Eisenach.
Picture by Androom (15 Aug 2020)


Friedrich Preller der Ältere - Wikipedia (DE)

Preller, Friedrich

Published: 18 Jan 2022
Last update: 29 Mar 2022