Eckstein, Ernst

BORN 6 Feb 1845, Giessen, Hessen - DIED 18 Nov 1900, Dresden, Sachsen
GRAVE LOCATION Dresden, Sachsen: Trinitatisfriedhof, Fiedlerstraße 1, Johannstadt-Nord

Ernst Eckstein was the son of a court judge. He studied law, philosophy and philology in Giessen, Bonn and Marburg. In 1866 he received his doctorate. He worked as a freelance writer and he travelled in Europe. In 1872 he joined the Neue Freie Presse in Vienna and from 1874 to 1882 he edited the Deutschen Dichterhalle in Leipzig. In that magazine he published work by Karl Gutzkow and Paul Heyse.

His own work was very well read. The comical "Der Besuch im Carzer" (1875) was reprinted countless times. He wrote many historical novels with themes from antic Rome, but also essays and travel stories. He died in 1900 in Dresden.


The grave of Ernst Eckstein at the Trinitatisfriedhof, Dresden.
Picture by Androom (10 Aug 2019)


Ernst Eckstein (Schriftsteller) - Wikipedia

Edwards, Alfred Charles

Published: 20 Nov 2023
Last update: 20 Nov 2023