Cappa, Benedetta

BORN 14 Aug 1897, Roma, Lazio - DIED 15 May 1977, Venezia, Veneto
GRAVE LOCATION Milano, Lombardia: Cimitero Monumentale, Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale (Reparto IV, Giardino 63)

Benedetta Cappa was the daughter of an official in the Ministry of Railways. Later he entered the Italian army. Her mother was a numerologist. She was educated in Rome and worked for an an after-school program for underprivileged children during the First World War. In 1917 she obtained a degree in elementary education from the Universita degli Studi di Roma.

Her brother´s friendship with the Futurists and with Ruzena Zátková resulted in her decision to study painting. She was taught by Giacomo Balla and through him she met Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. They became friends and in 1923 they married. They had three daughters. She regularly exhibited from 1926 until the Second World War, being a frequent participant at the Venice Biennale. She also wrote three Futurist novels.

Her husband died in 1944 and after the war her work was out of fashion. She died in 1977 in Venice. In the 1980s Futurism was reappreciated and after that her work was exhibited more often.

• Husband: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1923-1944)


The grave of Filippo Marinetti and Benedetta Cappa at the Cimitero Monumentale, Milano.
Picture by Androom (21 Feb 2019)


Benedetta Cappa - Wikipedia

Caradori-Allan, Rosalbina

Published: 29 Jun 2019
Last update: 31 Jan 2022