Agárdy, Gábor

BORN 2 Aug 1922, Szeged - DIED 19 Jan 2006, Budapest
BIRTH NAME Arklian, Gábor
GRAVE LOCATION Budapest: Farkasrét cemetery

Gábor Agárdy's father fled Armenia for the Turks. Gábor was born in Szeged, where he worked for the Municipal theatre from 1937 to 1941. From 1942 to 1953 he was engaged at the National theatre of Miskolc. After that he went to Budapest, where he was at the Operetta theatre until 1955. An engagement at the Petofi theatre followed and from 1964 to 1985 he was at the National Theatre. In 1989 he was made a heriditary member of that theatre.

He first married the actress Ila Tóth and the actress Ilona Agárdy is their daughter. In 1956 the ballerina Mari Rácz became his second wife. Aparrt from acting, he was also active as a painter of icons and his work was exhibited several times. In 2000 he received the Actor of the Nation award. After a stage accident in 2005 he was hospitallized and he died in 2006 in Budapest.


The grave of Gábor Agárdi at the Farkasrét cemetery, Budapest.
Picture by Androom (06 Aug 2018)


Agárdy Gábor - Wikipédia

Aghte, Curt

Published: 10 Jun 2021
Last update: 10 Jun 2021