Bächer, Max

BORN 7 Apr 1925, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg - DIED 11 Dec 2011, Darmstadt, Hessen
GRAVE LOCATION Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg: Pragfriedhof, Friedhofstrasse 44

Max Bächer was the son of a physician. He was a soldier in the Second World War in Italy and he was seriously wounded in 1944. After the war the Americans asked him to treoganise the former nazi youth movements. He studied architecture in Stuttgart from 1946 onwards and in 1949 he continued his studies at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlante. In the USA he met Mies vaan der Rohe, Lloud Wright and others.

After his return to Stuttgart he worked as an architect and in 1956 he founded his own company. In 1960 he also became a teacher at the Technische Hochschule in Stuttgart and in 1964 he became a professor in Darmstadt, where opened an office in 1975. In 1980 he moved to Darmstadt permanently. He retired in 1994.


The grave of Max Bächer at the Pragfriedhof, Stuttgart.
Picture by Androom (07 Mar 2015)


Max Bächer - Wikipedia

Bachmann, Otto

Published: 29 Dec 2018
Last update: 05 Apr 2022