Amiel, Henri Frédéric

BORN 27 Sep 1821, Genève: rue du Rhône - DIED 11 May 1881, Genève
GRAVE LOCATION Clarens, Vaud: Cimetière (near Vinet's tomb)

Henri Frédéric Amiel came from a Huguenot family that moved to Switzerland after the Edict of Nantes was revoked. His parents died when he was young and he travelled through Europe. In Berlin he studied German philosophy. In 1849 he became professor of aesthetics in Geneva and in 1854 he was appointed professor of moral philosophy.

He published poetry and studies on Erasmus and Madame de Stael. During his life he was politically isolated and he related this experience in his "Journal Intime" ("Private Journal"). This book was an international success after his death.


The grave of Henri Frédéric Amiel at the cemetery in Clarens, Vaud.
Picture by Androom (05 Dec 2007)


Biographie HFA

Amillet, Pierre Hyppolyte

Published: 29 Jun 2008
Last update: 16 May 2020