Uhlen, Gisela

BORN 16 May 1919, Leipzig, Sachsen - DIED 16 Jan 2007, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen
BIRTH NAME Schreck, Gisela Friedhilde
GRAVE LOCATION Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen: Friedhof Melaten, Aachener Strasse 204 (Weg D, zwischen Weg V und W (nummer 381))

Daughter of the opera singer Augustin Schreck. She took dance lessons at the Mary-Wigmanschule and went to Berlin to take acting lessons. When she was seventeen she was engaged by the State Theatre in Bochum and there she used the name Gisela Uhlen for the stage.

In 1936 she first appeared in a movie, "Annemarie". Ín 1938 Heinrich George took her to the Schillertheater in Berlin and there she worked until the end of the war. During the war she appeared in several popular movies, among them "Die Rothschilds" (1940), "Schicksal" (1942) and "Die Zaubergeige" (1944).

After the war she was in several movies by her first husband Hans Bertram but they weren't successful. During the 1960s and 1970s she frequently appeared in television productions and in movies. In 1979 Rainer Werner Fassbinder directed her in "Die Ehe der Maria Braun".

Her second husband was the actor Wolgang Kieling, whom she married in 1952. They had a daughter, the actress Susan Uhlen. In 1957 she divorced Kieling and she married Herbert Ballman. This marriage lasted until 1961.

Related persons
• worked for George, Heinrich
• is nephew/niece of Schreck, Max


Gisela Uhlen.

Gisela Uhlen.


Gisela Uhlen.


Gisela Uhlen.


Gisela Uhlen.


Gisela Uhlen.


Gisela Uhlen.
Picture by Haenchen


The grave of Gisela Uhlen at the Melaten Friedhof, Cologne.
Picture by Androom (16 Jun 2012)


Uhse, Bodo

Published: 01 Oct 2012
Last update: 01 Jan 2024