Grace, Dinah

BORN 14 Feb 1916, Berlin - DIED 10 May 1963, Hamburg
BIRTH NAME Schmidt, Käthe Johanna Gerda Ilse
GRAVE LOCATION Hamburg: Friedhof Ohlsdorf, Fühlsbüttler Strasse 756 (AC 16 (151))

Dinah Grace was the daughter of an officer. She took ballet lessons from a very early age and held her first engagement when she was only fifteen. Apart from being a professional acrobatic dancer she appeared in four movies during the thirties, her movie debut was "Schön ist es verliebt zu sein". In 1934 she performed in "1000 Freuden in einer Nacht" at the Apollo in Düsseldorf. In the same year "Hohe Schule" followed and in 1936 she was in "Potpourri".

In 1937 she married the actor Willy Fritsch (Lilian Harvey was a witness). In 1939 her fourth and last movie was released, "Spaßvogel". She had two children with her husband and ended her career to take care of them. Their son Thomas, who became a successful actor, was born in 1944 in Dresden, where Dinah had fled for the bombings of Berlin. After the war the family moved to Hamburg.

Her son Thomas said in 2009 that his popular father was always busy and that he was never there. Dinah raised the children practically alone until she was diagnosed with cancer when she was only 46 years old. She died in 1963 in Hamburg and she was buried at the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg. Fritsch was buried beside her in 1971.

• Husband: Fritsch, Willy (1937-1963)


The grave of Willy Fritsch and Dinah Grace at the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg.
Picture by Androom (26 Jan 2006)


The grave of Willy Fritsch and Dinah Grace at the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg.
Picture by Androom (26 Jan 2006)


Dinah Grace.

Dinah Grace.


Dinah Grace.

Dinah Grace.
Picture by Binder


The grave of Willy Fritsch and Dinah Grace at the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Hamburg.
Picture by Androom (30 Aug 2012)


Internet Movie Database
Dinah Grace - Wikipedia (DE)
Porträt der Schauspielerin Dinah Grace by Thomas Staedeli

Graetz, René

Published: 09 Apr 2007
Last update: 01 Jan 2024