Schlegel, Dorothea von

BORN 24 Oct 1764, Berlin - DIED 3 Aug 1839, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen
BIRTH NAME Mendelssohn, Brendel
GRAVE LOCATION Frankfurt am Main, Hessen: Hauptfriedhof (Gewann B, 180)

dorothea schlegel was born as Brendel Mendelssohn. She was the oldest daughter of the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn. In 1783 she married the merchant and banker Simon Veit. At the salon of her friend Henriette Herz she met the poet and critic Friedrich von Schlegel in July 1797. She started an affair with him, left left her husband and obtained a divorce in 1799.

She was allowed to raise her younger son Philipp, who became a well known painter, on the condition that she wouldn't marry again and wouldn't raise him as a Christian. She lived with Philipp at the Ziegelstraße, which became a meeting point for the Schlegel brothers, Ludwig Tieck, Friedrich Schelling and Novalis.

Schlegel's novel "Lucinde" (1799) was believed to be about them and caused a scandal in Berlin. In 1801 her novel "Florentin" was published anonymously by Schlegel. They lived in Paris from 1802 until 1804 and in 1804 she married Schlegel as a protestant. In 1807 she translated "Corinne" by Madame de Staël from the French.

In 1808 they Schlegel and Dorothea converted to catholicism. She frequently visited the salons of Rahel Levin and Henriette Herz and organized literary events at her own house as well. After the death of her husband in 1829 she went to Frankfurt am Main where she lived at the house of her son Philipp until her death in 1839.

• Son: Veit, Philipp
• Husband: Schlegel, Friedrich von (1804-1829, Paris)

Related persons
• knew Boisserée, Sulpice
• was a friend of Chézy, Helmina von
• visited Herz, Henriette
• is uncle/aunt of Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix
• visited Pichler, Karoline
• visited Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel

17/12/1798Dorothea Veit leaves the house of her husband Simon Veit in Berlin. She moved into an apartment on the Ziegelstrasse and she took her son Philipp with her. She divorced Simon Veit on 11 January 1799. [Veit, Philipp]
6/6/1804Dorothea Schlegel arrives in Cologne. She was about to set u pher household with Friedrich Schlegel. [Schlegel, Friedrich von]
16/4/1808Friedrich and Dorothea Schlegel convert to Catholicism in Cologne [Schlegel, Friedrich von]


The grave of Dorothea Schlegel at the Hauptfriedhof, Frankfurt.
Picture by Androom (28 feb 2000)


The grave of Dorothea Schlegel-Mendelssohn at the Hauptfriedhof, Frankfurt am Main.
Picture by Androom (20 Dec 2014)


• Aubert, Joachim, Handbuch der Grabstätten berühmten Deutscher, Österreicher und Schweizer, Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, 1973
• Moos, Günter, Wegweiser durch den Frankfurter Hauptfriedhof, 1994
Dorothea von Schlegel - Wikipedia (EN)
Chronology – Caroline Schelling

Schlegel, Friedrich von

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 14 Aug 2023