Schopenhauer, Johanna

BORN 9 Jul 1766, Danzig (now: Gdansk) - DIED 16 Apr 1838, Jena, Thüringen
BIRTH NAME Trosiener, Johanna
GRAVE LOCATION Jena, Thüringen: Alter Friedhof

Daughter of Christian Heinrich Trosenier, a merchant and senator from Danzig. In 1773 she was portrayed by Nikolaus Chodowiecki during his visit to Danzig.

In 1785 in Danzig she married Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer, a merchant and a republican who was twenty years her senior. In 1787 they travelled to England and Scotland and in 1788 their son Arthur was born. In 1793 the family moved to Hamburg and in 1805 her husband committed suicide. In the same year she moved to Weimar where she became friendly with Goethe in 1807.

In 1813 she published memories from her travels to England and Scotland. In 1814 she and her son Arthur broke off relations with each other. She couldn't bear his pessimism and gloominess any longer. Johanna turned to writing to make a living and in 1820 her novel "Gabriela" was published. She was the first woman in Germany to publish books under her own name. In 1830 Brockhaus published her collected works in 24 volumes.

But she was pressed financially and had moved to Bonn in 1828 together with her daughter Adele. In 1837 she turned to the Duke of Weimar and he invited her to live in Jena. She moved there in 1837 and died in Jena in 1838.

• Daughter: Schopenhauer, Adele
• Son: Schopenhauer, Arthur

Related persons
• was a friend of Goethe, Ottilie von
• was a friend of Kügelgen, Gerhard von
• supported Vulpius, Christiane


The grave of Johanna Schopenhauer at the Alter Friedhof, Jena.
Picture by Androom (06 Feb 2005)


• Gorys, Erhard, Thüringen, Artemis Reis- en Cultuurgids, Kok Lyra, Kampen, 1996
Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909 - 403

Schörg, Gretl

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 03 Jan 2022