Sabatier, François

BORN 2 Jul 1818, Montpellier, Hérault - DIED 1 Dec 1891, Lunel-Viel, Hérault: La Tour de Farges
GRAVE LOCATION Firenze, Toscana: Cimitero Monumentale delle Porte Sante

François Sabatier was the son of a wealthy landowner who died bedore his birth. After attending a Jesuit school he decided he wanted to be an author and he went to Paris in 1833. There Alfred de Vigny supported hid ambitions and he met the painters Paul Chenevard, Auguste Bouquet and Edmind Wagrez. With Bouquet and Wagrez he travelled to Italy in 1838. In Rome he met Henri Lehmann and he bought his painting "St. Catherine d’Alexandrie portée au tombeau" (1839).

Lehmann introducted him to the famous Austrian singer Caroline Unger. Although she was fifteen years his senior they married in 1841 in Florence. The couple went to Dresden where they met Ludwig Tieck. They also met Liszt and in Munich. Sabatier studied the work of the Nazarenes. Back in Italy they settled in Florence where Unger owned a villa. A new palace was built for them at the Via del Renai. In 1846 they travelled to Greece, but they returned early because Auguste Bouquet's health was failing. Bouquet died in 1846 in Lucca and they took care of his daughter Louise.

After the revolution of 1848 they lived in Paris. His comical "Le Salon de 1851" was well known. He translated works by Schiller and Goethe into the French. In 1854 Courbet portrayed Sabatier. In Paris the author Moritz Hartmann was a friend.

Caroline died in 1877 and in 1888 he married Marie Boll. During his last years he lived at La Tour de Farges, where he died in 1891. He was buried next to Caroline in Florence.

• Wife: Unger, Caroline (1841-1877, Firenze, Toscana: Santa Lucia dè Magnoli)

Related persons
• translated work by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
• knew Liszt, Franz
• translated work by Schiller, Friedrich von
• met Tieck, Ludwig


The grave of Caroline Unger and François Sabatier at the Cimitero Monumentale delle Porte Sante, Florence.
Picture by Androom (19 Feb 2018)


Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
François Sabatier - Wikipedia

Sabatier, Victor

Published: 03 Mar 2018
Last update: 15 Jan 2023