Bubat, Eva

BORN 21 Apr 1914, Königsberg (now: Kaliningrad) - DIED 25 Mar 2002, Berlin
GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Landeseigener Friedhof Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Straße 57 (Feld 10-57)

Eva Bubat took acting lessons in Heidelberg. Her first known appearance was in Shakespeare's "Maß für Maß" in Aachen in the season 1940/1941 under the direction of Hans Schalla. By he time she was engaged at the Schillertheater in Berlin after the war she had been married and divorced and she had a little daughter, Julika. Elisabeth Flickenschildt was the star at that theatre and she lost most of the important parts to her and Bertha Drews. After her performances she quietly left the theatre and went home to Lankwitz.

After working for several years at the Schillertheater, she left for France without permission to meet a young lover. She was allowed to return if she would apologize but she did not. Over the following years she appeared in theatres in other places in Germany. From the early 1950s she also appeared in movies.

In the 1960s she played small parts on television. In the 1980s she appeared in the television series "Achtung Zoll!". At the time of her death in 2002 not a single program of photograph in her house reminded of her time at the theatre. Her daughter Julika Kaempfer also became an actress.


The grave of Eva Bubat at the Landeseigener Friedhof Dahlem, Berlin.
Picture by androom (24 Aug 2006)


Eva Bubat - Wikipedia (DE)

Buchanan, James

Published: 01 Jul 2012
Last update: 07 Sep 2024