Mahler, Anna Justina

BORN 15 Jun 1904, Wien - DIED 3 Jun 1988, London: Hampstead
GRAVE LOCATION London: Highgate Cemetery East, Swain's Lane, Highgate

Second daughter of Gustav and Alma Mahler. Als a small child she saw Kokoschka in his studio when he was painting "The Windsbraut" about his affair with her mother. she was interested in music but turned to painting and sculpture. She studied with de Chirico in Rome and with Wotruba.

To escape from her mother she married the young conductor Ruppert Koller. The marriage failed and a divorce followed in 1923. She married the composer Ernst Krenek on 15 Jan 1924 but she left him in November of that year. In 1929 the publisher Paul Zsolnay became her third husband. In 1930 they had a daughter, Alma. In 1931 she left for Venice with René Fülöp-Miller, but in 1932 she returned to Zsolnay. In 1934 she left him and their daughter.

In 1937 she received the Grand Prix at the world exhibition in Paris for a female nude. In 1938 she moved to London and this ended her long association with het mother's husband Paul Werfel. In 1943 she married the Russian conductor Anatole Fistoulari and on 1 Oct of that year their daughter Marina was born. She divorced Fistoulari but Marina stayed with her.

In 1948/1949 she travelled to the USA and in 1951 she met Albrecht Joseph, a film editor and screenwriter and also Werfel's former secretary. She was forced to leave the USA for Canada in 1953 but in 1954 she returned and lived there for years. She bought a house in London in 1967 and another one in 1969 in Spoleto where she decided to live. In 1970 she married Albrecht Joseph in Spoleto. She died in 1988 in London during a visit to Marina.

• Father: Mahler, Gustav
• Mother: Mahler, Alma
• Husband: Zsolnay, Paul (1929-1934, Paris)

Related persons
• was a friend of Canetti, Elias
• was pupil of Wotruba, Fritz


The grave of Anna Mahler at Highgate Cemetery East, London.
Picture by Androom (28 Mar 2016)


ALMA : History - Deutsche Hauptseite

Mahler, Gustav

Published: 03 Apr 2016
Last update: 18 Dec 2022