Friedrich III, emperor of Germany

BORN 18 Oct 1831, Potsdam, Brandenburg: Neue Palais - DIED 15 Jun 1888, Potsdam, Brandenburg: Neue Palais
BIRTH NAME Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Karl
CAUSE OF DEATH throat cancer
GRAVE LOCATION Potsdam, Brandenburg: Friedenskirche, Mausoleum

Son of emperor Wilhelm I. He was educated by the historian Ernst Curtius and others. In 1858 he married princess Victoria, a daughter of queen Victoria, in London. In 1861 his father became king of Prussia and Frederick became crown prince.

He was a commander in the German army during the wars that led to the unification of Germany in 1871. His views were far more liberal than his father's and he often opposed Bismarck. In 1887 it was made public that he was diagnosed with cancer and when his father died in 1888 he was already very ill and unable to speak. He was unbable to execute his liberal policies because he died at the Neue Palais in Potsdam only 99 days after he had become emperor.

• Father: Wilhelm I, emperor of Germany
• Wife: Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise, Princess Royal (1858-)

Related persons
• was pupil of Curtius, Ernst


The funerary monuments of emperor Friedrich III and empress Victoria at the Friedenskirche, Potsdam.
Picture by Androom (20 Aug 1996)


Emperor Frederick - Wikipedia (EN)

Friedrich Wilhelm II, König von Preussen

Published: 19 Oct 2008
Last update: 25 Apr 2022