Biographies SectionBiographies SectionThe Page of The DeadThe Page of The Dead

A huge selection of short biographies on persons with some claim to fame. This site started in 1995 as The Page of the Dead, showing pictures of the graves of some nineteenth century celebrities. It never stopped from there.

Index to the names of the persons
Now with thousands of persons.

Index to works of art
Edward Burne Jones, Anselm Feuerbach, Gustav Klimt, Hans Makart, Franz von Stuck, ...

Index to grave locations
Père Lachaise in Paris, Kensal Green in London, Ohlsdorf in Hamburg, ...

Index to film cards
Camilla Horn, Dorothea Wieck, Elisabeth Bergner, Lil Dagover, Lizzi Waldmüller, ...

It started with
The Page of The Dead.

There is also a Blog with irregular updates.

Copyright by Androom, 1995-2023.