Pizzirani, Guglielmo

BORN 28 Nov 1886, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna - DIED 1971, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
GRAVE LOCATION Bologna, Emilia-Romagna: Cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna, Via della Certosa 18

Guglielmo Pizzirani was studied at the Accademia di belle arti di Bologna were Silvio Gordini and Domenico Ferri were his teachers. He became a teacher himself in 1909 and he exhibited work at the Secessioni Romane from 1913 to 1915. In 1920 he first exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia and from 1931 he showed his work at the Rome Quadriennale. He received the Italian Order of Merit for Culture and Art in 1965 and the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic in 1969. He died in 1971 in Bologna.


The grave of Guglielmo Pizzirani at the Cimitero monumentale della Certosa, Bologna.
Picture by Androom (19 Feb 2019)


Guglielmo Pizzirani - Wikipedia

Plate, Antoine

Published: 17 Apr 2022
Last update: 17 Apr 2022