Beier, Grete

BORN 15 Sep 1885, Erbisdorf, Sachsen - DIED 23 Jul 1908, Freiberg, Sachsen: Albertpark
BIRTH NAME Beier, Marie Margarethe
CAUSE OF DEATH executed by beheading by guillotine
GRAVE LOCATION Dresden, Sachsen: Johannisfriedhof, Wehlener Strasse 13, Tolkewitz (4 G)

Grete Beier was the daughter of Ernst Theodor Beier, the mayor of Brand, and his wife Ida Karoline Clausnitzer. In 1905 she met Johannes Heinrich Merker and they became engaged without the knowledge of her parents. He cheated on her and she broke off the engagement. In 1906 she met the engineer Heinrich Pressler and according to the wishes of her parents another engagement followed. But they quaerelled and she secretly met Merker again. She became pregnant by Merker but she had an abortion.

The marriage to Pressler was set for 14 May 1907. She poisoned Pressler shortly before the marriage and afterwards shot him with a revolver in his mouth to make it appear a suicide. Because of other another theft she was investigated and in November 1907 she confessed the murder of Pressler. The king refused to pardon her and she was publicly beheaded on 23 July 1908 in the Albertpark in Freiberg. She was buried in the family grave at the Johannisfriedhof in Dresden.


The grave of Grete Beier at the Johannesfriedhof, Dresden.
Picture by Androom (07 Aug 2016)


Grete Beier - Wikipedia

Beinhorn, Elly

Published: 16 Jan 2022
Last update: 20 Apr 2022