Deetjen, Werner

BORN 3 Apr 1877, Gut Koselitz, Schwetz, Westpreussen - DIED 21 May 1939, Weimar, Thüringen
BIRTH NAME Deetjen, Paul Otto Werner
GRAVE LOCATION Weimar, Thüringen: Historischer Friedhof, Poseckscher Garten (Ehrenfeld behind the Fürstengruft)

Werner Deetjen was promoted in Leipzig in 1901. He worked as a private scholar before he became a lecturer in German literaty history in Hanover in 1905. In 1909 he obtained a professorship. In 1916 he became the director of the Grand Ducal Library in Weimar that is now known as the Duchess Anna Amalia Library. He held positions in the Goethe Society as well as the German Schiller Foundation.

Deetjen joined the anti-semitic Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur. He was a board member of the German Dante Society from 1935 to 1939. From 1921 untill his death he was also the president of the German Shakespeare Society.


The grave of Werner Deetjen at the Historischer Friedhof, Weimar.
Picture by Androom (13 Aug 2020)


Werner Deetjen - Wikipedia

Defoe, Daniel

Published: 23 Jan 2023
Last update: 23 Jan 2023