Andreae, August Heinrich

BORN 4 Dec 1804, Horst auf Ricklingen, Niedersachsen - DIED 6 Jan 1846, Hannover, Niedersachsen
CAUSE OF DEATH consumption
GRAVE LOCATION Hannover, Niedersachsen: Alter St.-Nikolai-Friedhof, Klagesmarkt

August Andeae was the son of a pastor. He was educated in Hanover by Diederich Christian Ludwig Witting, in Karlsruhe by Friedrich Weinbrenner, in Göttingen in 1824 by Karl Otfried Müller and in 1826 in Darmstadt by George Moller. Rudolf Wiegmann was his study friend. He started working Hanover where he created civic apartments. In 1829 he succeeded Justus Gerhard Kahle as Stadtbaumeister (city builder) in Hanover.

Between 1828 and 1832 he built a new hospital in Linden. It was destroyed during the Second World War. In 1835 he designed the building that replaced the Alte Rathaus. In 1839 and 1840 he travelled to Venice and he used his impressions for the so called Dogenpalast extension of the Rathaus. In 1845 he moved to a house at the Alten Umfuhr E (now Andreaestrasse 7) in Hanover. In 1845 he married a woman from Oldenburg but het died in 1846 of consumption.

He was buried at the Old Nikolai Cemetery in Hanover. In 1968 a new medaillon for his grave was created by Friedrich Adolf Soetebier.


The grave of August Heinrich Andreae at the St. Nikolaifriedhof, Hannover.
Picture by Androom (15 Dec 2012)


August Heinrich Andreae - Wikipedia

Andreas, Friedrich Carl

Published: 07 Apr 2018
Last update: 15 Mar 2022