Schade, Georg Christian Gottfried

BORN 2 Nov 1761, Hannover, Niedersachsen? - DIED 7 Jul 1843, Hannover, Niedersachsen
GRAVE LOCATION Hannover, Niedersachsen: Alter St.-Nikolai-Friedhof, Klagesmarkt

George Schade was the church organist of the Garnisonkirche in Hanover bofore he became the organist of the Marktkirche in the same city on 12 September 1800. There he played the 17 century organ that was destroyed during the Second World War.

In 1838 his 50th service anniversary was celebrated with a concert at the Marktkirche conducted by Heinrich Marschner. He died in 1843 and he was buried at the Nikolaifriedhof in Hanover.


The grave of Georg Christian Gottfried Schade at the St. Nikolaifriedhof, Hannover.
Picture by Androom (15 Dec 2012)


Georg Christian Gottfried Schade - Wikipedia (DE)

Schadow, Johann Gottfried

Published: 07 Apr 2018
Last update: 06 Aug 2023