Blumenhagen, Wilhelm

BORN 15 Feb 1781, Hannover, Niedersachsen - DIED 6 May 1839, Hannover, Niedersachsen
BIRTH NAME Blumenhagen, Philipp Georg August Wilhelm
GRAVE LOCATION Hannover, Niedersachsen: Alter St.-Nikolai-Friedhof, Klagesmarkt

Wilhelm Blumenhagen was the son of a chamber scribe. The poet Carl Julius Blumenhagen was his younger brother. He studied medicin in Erlangen and Göttingen. In 1803 he started a practice in Hanover. In 1811 he joined the Masonic Lodge "Zum Schwarzer Bär" in Hanover.

He was popular because of his novellas that appeared in the 1820s in the Abend-Zeitung. He also wrote extensively on masonic subjects. In 1843-1844 his collected writings were published.


The grave of Wilhelm Blumenhagen at the St. Nikolaifriedhof, Hannover.
Picture by Androom (15 Dec 2012)


Wilhelm Blumenhagen - Wikipedia

Blunck, Hans Friedrich

Published: 07 Apr 2018
Last update: 15 Mar 2022