Molo, Conrad von |
BORN 21 Dec 1906, Wien - DIED 12 Aug 1997, München, Bayern GRAVE LOCATION München, Bayern: Waldfriedhof Solln (38-2-12) |
Conrad von Molo as the son of the author Walter von Molo and his first wife Rosa Richter. Actress Trude von Molo was his twin sister. He grew up in Berlin and studied at the university of that city. he worked for the Berliner Tageblatt and attended for that newspaper the world premiere of the "Dreigroschenoper" by Brecht and Weill. In 1929 he went to India for two years to work as a correspondent for German newspapers. After his return he assisted Fritz Lang with the cutting of "Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse". In 1933 he followed Lang in exile. When the war started he returned to England where he worked for the UFA. After the war he founded "Ala-Film" that he renamed to "Aura-Film". He produced a number of movies and the company existed until 1978. His company Molo-Film dubbed the German spoken sound for foreign movies. He married Beate Moissi and their daughter Elisabeth spoke the German voice of Cybil Shepherd. Family Wife: Molo, Beate von |
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Sources Conrad von Molo - Wikipedia (DE) |