Blum, Karl Ludwig

BORN 25 Jul 1796, Hanau, Hessen - DIED 28 Jun 1869, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
GRAVE LOCATION Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg: Bergfriedhof, Rohrbacher Strasse (Abteilung B)

Karl Ludwig Blum trained for the law and was promoted in Berlin on the history of Greece. He had an interest in Russian and Livonian history in 1826 he was the first to hold the Chair of Statistical and Geographical Sciences at the Russian University of Dorpat (now Tartu in Estonia).

He worked there for 25 years and was one of the founders of the "Dorpater Jahrbücher für Litteratur, Statistik und Kunst" (1833-1836). After domestic problems he moved to Heidelberg in 1851. He published a work on Count Jacob Sievers (1857-1858) for which he used sources from Schloss Fickel that were lost afterwards. He died in an accident in 1869.


The grave of Carl Ludwig Blum at the Bergfriedhof, Heidelberg.
Picture by Androom (21 Aug 2010)


Karl Ludwig Blum - Wikipedia

Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich

Published: 29 May 2011
Last update: 03 Mar 2022