Paulus, Heinrich

BORN 1 Sep 1761, Leonberg, Baden-Württemberg - DIED 10 Aug 1851, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg
BIRTH NAME Paulus, Heinrich Eberhard Gottlob
GRAVE LOCATION Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg: Bergfriedhof, Rohrbacher Strasse (Abteilung D)

Heinrich Paulus studied at the seminary in Tübingen. There he obtained a philosophal doctorate in 1781 and a theological doctorate in 1784. In 1786 he was engaged as a vicar at the Latin grammar school in Schorndorf. In 1787 and 1788 he travelled abroad to study. He married his cousin Karoline Paulis on 2 June 1798. From 1789 to 1803 he was professor of Near Eastern languages in Jena. He knew Goethe, Schiller, Herder and Fichte.

Paulus didn't consider himself to be a true believer and he was accused of undermining Chrsitian religion at the university. But Herder convinced the Duke of Weimar to press no charges. In 1803 he became consistory councilor and professor of theology in Würzburg. Between 1807 and 1811 he was district educational councilor in several cities. From 1811 he was professor of theology in Heidelberg. In 1841 he had a bitter controversy with Schelling, whose philosophy he detested.

His daughter Sophie married Wilhelm von Schlegel in 1818, but when he moved to Bonn to become a professor at the university, she didn't follow him and they never lived together.

Related persons
• is father-in-law/mother-in-law of Schlegel, August Wilhelm von

9/5/1806Heinrich Paulus visits Caroline Schelling in Würzburg 


The grave of Heinrich Paulus at the Bergfriedhof, Heidelberg.
Picture by Androom (21 Aug 2010)


Heinrich Paulus - Wikipedia (EN)
Chronology – Caroline Schelling

Pauluzzi, Daniel

Published: 02 Nov 2023
Last update: 02 Nov 2023