Bähr, Johann Karl Ulrich

BORN 18 Aug 1801, Riga - DIED 29 Sep 1869, Dresden, Sachsen
GRAVE LOCATION Dresden, Sachsen: Alter Annenfriedhof, Chemnitzer Strasse 32 (W 44)

Karl Bähr was the son of the merchant Johann Ullrich Bähr. His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps but against his wishes Karl entered the Academy of Art in Dresden. In 1825 he went to Paris where Jean-Victor Bertn was his teacher. He met Corot and travelled with him to Rome in 1826. From 1827 to 1829 he lived in Italy again and he was in contact with Bertel Thorwaldsen and Joseph Anton Koch.

In 1829 he married the daughter of the art dealer Gasparo Weiss and they settled in Dresden in 1832 where he worked as a history painter. After the early death of his wife he went to Italy again in 1834 and there he met Peter von Cornelius and Horace Vernet. After working in Riga he returned to Dresden in 1836.

In 1840 he became a teacher at the Art Academy and in 1846 he was made a professor. In Dresden he was part of the circle around Ludwig Tieck and Julius Mosen became a close friend. He met Arthur Schopenhauer in 1855. He lived for the rest of his life in Dresden and died there in 1869.

Related persons
• knew Cornelius, Peter von
• travelled with Corot, Camille
• painted Friedrich, Caspar David
• knew Koch, Joseph Anton
• knew Schopenhauer, Arthur
• knew Vernet, Horace


The grave of Johann Karl Ulrich Bähr the Alter Annenfriedhof, Dresden.
Picture by Androom (06 Aug 2016)


Johann Karl Ulrich Bähr - Wikipedia

Bahr-Mildenburg, Anna von

Published: 07 Jan 2017
Last update: 20 Apr 2022