Macneil, Roderick

BORN c1791 - DIED 22 Oct 1863, London: Hyde Park
GRAVE LOCATION Southampton, Hampshire: Old Cemetery, Hill Lane (K 069 007)

Roderick Macneal was the son of Roderick Macneil of Barrra and Jean Cameron. During the Napoleontic Wars he served at La Coruna and at Waterloo. On 20 Jun 1818 he married Isballa Brownlow with whom he had a daughter. He was Justice of the Peace for Invernessshire.

He was known as the 21st and last Chief of the Macneils of Barrra because he had to sell the island of Barra in 1838 to be able to settle his debts. These were caused by the collapse of the kelp industry but some said that his gambling habit was a reason as well.

He died in 1863 and he was buried at the Old Cemetery in Southampton, beside his wife who had died in 1855.


The grave of Roderick MacNeil at Old Cemetery, Southampton.
Picture by Androom (17 Jun 2010)


Person Page

Macri, Teresa

Published: 05 May 2015
Last update: 18 Dec 2024