Békés, Rita

BORN 26 Jul 1925, Debrecen - DIED 16 Dec 1978, Budapest
GRAVE LOCATION Budapest: Farkasrét cemetery (25-1-62)

Rita Békés was the daughter of the writer István Békés (1900-1982). The director András Békés (1927-2015) was her brother and the actress Itala Békes (b.1927) her sister. She studied at the Academy of Theatre and Film Art in Budapest and graduated in 1949. She debuted on the stage in 1949 and in 1950 she was engaged at the Csokonai Theater in Debrecen. From 1954 to 1956 she worked in Pécs. In 1956 she joined the József Attila Theater in Budapest, where she stayed until 1962.

In 1961 she had her first movie role in "Mindenki ártatlan" ("Everyone is Innocent"). From 1962 until her early death in 1978 she worked for the Vígszínház (the Comedy Theatre) in Budapest.


The grave of Rita Békés at the Farkasrét cemetery in Budapest.
Picture by androom (21 Aug 2006)


BékĂ©s Rita - WikipĂ©dia


Published: 10 May 2020
Last update: 01 Mar 2024