Curran, John Philpot

BORN 24 Jul 1750, Newmarket, Cork - DIED 14 Oct 1817, London: Brompton
GRAVE LOCATION Dublin: Glasnevin Cemetery (South section, Nc 48)

John Philpot Currant was a descendant of one of Cromwell's soldiers. He studied law at Trinity College, Dublin where he had the reputation of a wild and witty student. In 1774 he married his cousin Sarah Creagh (1755-1844). They had nine children, but it was an unhappy marriage and eventually his wife eloped.

In 1775 he was called to the Irish bar. In 1783 he was appointed King’s Counsel and be became a member of the Irish House of Commons. He was strongly in favour of Catholic emancipation and became most famous for his connections with the United Irishmen. He defended the extremist Hamilton Rowan as well as several others in court.

In 1806 he became Master of the Rolls. After eight years he resigned and he spent his last years in London. The poet Shelley visited him in Dublin in 1812 when he was in the North of Ireland as an activist against English oppression. Curran's daughter Amelia befriended the Shelleys in Italy and painted Shelley's portrait.

He died in 1817 and was buried in Paddington, London. His remains were transferred to Glasvenin Cemetery in Dubin in 1837.

• Daughter: Curran, Amelia

Related persons
• was a friend of Godwin, William
• was visited by Shelley, Percy Bysshe


The grave of John Philpot Curran at Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin.
Picture by Androom (19 Aug 2016)


• Holmes, Richard, Shelley, The Pursuit, Penguin Books, London, 1987

Curtius, Ernst

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 20 Apr 2022