Mucchi, Gabriele

BORN 25 Jun 1899, Torino, Piemonte - DIED 10 May 2002, Milano, Lombardia
GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Städtischer Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde, Gudrunstrasse, Lichtenberg (8. Urnenabteilung)

Gabriele Mucchi studied architecture in Bologna. His studies were interrupted by the First World War. He worked for a building company in Rome and from 1927 onwards for an architectural practice in Milan.

From 1928 to 1930 he lived in Berlin and from 1931 to 1934 in Paris. In 1933 he married the sculptor Jenny Wiegmann. He became well known because of his wall paintings and the anti fascist group Gruppe Corrente would meet in his Studio. During the Second World War he fought as a soldier and as a partisan.

After the war he was one of the founders of the art magazine Realismo. He lived in the DDR and from 1956 to 1961 he was a Professor at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee. From 1961 to 1963 at the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institut of the Greifswald University. Afterwards he lived in Milan and in Berlin.

His wife died in 1969, but although his name was already put on her grave he lived until the age of 102 and died in 2002. Now they rest together at the Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde in Berlin.

• Wife: Mucchi-Wiegmann, Jenny (1933-1969)


The grave of Jenni Mucchi-Wiegmann and Gabriele Mucchi at the Städtischer Zentralfriedhof Friedrichsfelde, Berlin.
Picture by Androom (14 Nov 2004)


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Mucchi-Wiegmann, Jenny

Published: 13 Jun 2011
Last update: 03 Jan 2022