Zielens, Lode

BORN 13 Jun 1901, Antwerpen - DIED 28 Nov 1944, Antwerpen
BIRTH NAME Zielens, Ludovicus Carolus
CAUSE OF DEATH rocket attack
GRAVE LOCATION Antwerpen: Schoonselhof, Sint-Bernardsesteenweg, Hoboken (perk N, graf 43 (erekerkhof))

Lode Zielens' family was poor and he worked in the docks of Antwerp. After his first work "Schoolkolonie" (1920) was published it attracted attention in literary circles and he came into contact with Herman Robbers and Frans Verschoren.

He joined the staff of the socialistic newspaper Volksgazet and in 1931 "Het duistere bloed" ("The Dark Blood") was published. His novel "Moeder waarom leven wij?" (1932, "Mother, why do we live?") was praised by Marnix Gijsen and was turned into a movie in 1993. In November 1944, months after Antwerp was liberated, he was killed during a German attack with a V-2 rocket.


The grave of Lode Zielens at the Schoonselhof, Antwerpen.
Picture by Androom (27 Jul 2002)


• Heessen, Hans, Harry Jansen & Ed Schilders, Waar ligt Poot?, De Prom, Baarn, 1997
Lode Zielens - Wikipedia

Ziem, Félix François

Published: 19 Dec 2009
Last update: 02 May 2022