Martens, Valerie von

BORN 4 Nov 1894, Lienz, Tyrol - DIED 7 Apr 1986, Riehen, Basel
BIRTH NAME Mayersperg, Valerie Pajér Edle Von
GRAVE LOCATION Berlin: Friedhof Heerstrasse, Trahkener Allee 1, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Feld 16-G-11/12)

Valerie von Martens started out as an actress in Vienna. There she had a relationship with Karl Farkas. In 1923 she married actor/director Curt Goetz with whom she worked successfully together on the stage.

In 1937 she played in "Land der Liebe", directed by Reinhold Schünzel. Goebbels hated the movie and Schünzel had to leave the country. Von Martens and Goetz (who wrote the script) were arresterd by the Gestapo. But nothing else happened and one year later she was in "Napoleon ist an allem schuld" (1938). After the war she played in several more movies.

• Husband: Goetz, Curt (1923-)

Related persons
• had a relationship with Farkas, Karl


The grave of Curt Goetz and Valerie Martens at the Friedhof Heerstrasse, Berlin.
Picture by Androom (13 Aug 2000)


Baedeker Berlin, Baedeker Verlag, Stuttgart, 1994
• Hammer, Klaus, Historische Friedhöfe & Grabmäler in Berlin, Stattbuch Verlag, Berlin, 1994
Porträt der Schauspielerin Valerie von Martens by Thomas Staedeli

Martin du Gard, Roger

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 01 Jan 2024