Deák, Ferencz

BORN 17 Oct 1803, Sojtsr, Zala - DIED 29 Jan 1876, Budapest
GRAVE LOCATION Budapest: Kerepesi cemetery (37/1, mausoleum)

Ferencz Deák came from a noble family. He worked as an advocate and a notary. When in 1833 his brother Antal had to withdraw fron the Hungarian parliament due to ill health, he was elected in his place. He was involved in the Diet at Pressburg, where he managed to bring the reactionary government and the liberal leaders closer to each other.

After the revolution of 1848 he became Minister of Justice under Batthyány. He pleaded for moderation and tried to obtain autonomy for Hungary within the empire in a legal way. In 1860 he rejected the October Diploma and in 1867 he defended the Composition (or Ausgleich) against many opponents.

He was called 'the wise man of the nation' and after his death the empress Elisabeth placed a wreath on his coffin. A statue was erected for him at Roosevelt tér in Budapest.

Related persons
• cooperated with Batthyány, Lajos, Count


Ferencz Deák's mausoleum at the Kerepesi cemetery, Budapest.
Picture by Androom (29 Jan 2001)


• Vórnai, Péter, Budapest Guide, Tourism Office of Budapest, 1999

Debenedetti, Jean-Marc

Published: 16 Jul 2006
Last update: 25 Apr 2022