Ceram, C.W.

BORN 20 Jan 1915, Berlin - DIED 12 Apr 1972, Hamburg
BIRTH NAME Marek, Kurt Wilhelm
GRAVE LOCATION Hamburg: Friedhof Ohlsdorf, Fühlsbüttler Strasse 756 (AB4 (71-75))

C.W. Ceram's real name was Kurt Marek. He wrote under an anagram of his name because he didn't want to be associated with his earlier work that was written during the Third Reich.

During the Second World War he wrote propaganda material like "Narvik" (1941) and "Von den Kanonieren des Reichsmarschalls" (1943). In 1944 he was in an Italian hospital where he decided to write a 'novel of archeologists'. After a period of imprisonment he was released in 1945 and in that year he started working on the book in Oldenburg, where he obtained his knowledge of archeology from the library in that city. The book, "Götter, Gräber Und Gelehrten" (1949, "Gods, graves and scholars"), was instrumental in the popularization of archeology and sold over five million copies.

From 1947 onwards he was chief lector for Rowohlt Verlag and in 1953 he moved to the USA. He died in 1972 in Hamburg. His widow Hannelore was still alive in 2003 and lived in Hamburg.


The grave of C.W. Ceram at the Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg.
Picture by Androom (26 Jan 2006)


• Aubert, Joachim, Handbuch der Grabstätten berühmter Deutscher, Österreicher und Schweizer, Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, 1975

Ceresa, Alice

Published: 01 Jan 2006
Last update: 18 Jan 2022